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37 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for James_43

What is the content type of your request? If it's text/txt or a mime type that typically doesn't engage the PHP preprocessor, than you would see the behavior you're getting. What happens if you add the following to your ajax? (where lformController is defined) $.ajax({ . . . contentType: "text/html" …

Member Avatar for James_43
Member Avatar for t_tanweiboon

[QUOTE=t_tanweiboon;254755]I am supposed to submit my final year project title within 3days. I think i am finished cause till now,i have totally no clue about it. .[/QUOTE] What class is it for? Is it a CS class? Are you an undergrad? Graduate? In Computer Science, there are 3 real suitable …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hi all, My cpp is rusty as all get out and I'm wondering why this doesn't seem to work. I've basically created a .cpp file with all of the structs and lower level data types in it. One of these is an enumerated type. The file. structs.cpp is as follows: …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for kunal_tech

[QUOTE=kunal_tech;1021851]hiii, i am doing my final year project in Face recognition using laplacianfaces. if any body has done this technique then please help me out.. i dont know how to find the k-nearest neighbors and thus the similarity matrix between images... please reply me anybody who ha some IDEA OR …

Member Avatar for surya0112
Member Avatar for eggmatters

I posted this on Oracle Forums to the sound of crickets chirping. This question entails more Oracle specific tasks then java but since my code is in java, here goes" Hello, I have a java package where I am attempting to implement a database Change notification registration and listener. I …

Member Avatar for tisesunshine

however, if one was to search for a phrase "google better than limewire youtube" that may be interesting. I personally have found a middle of the road option, mp3Panda which i pay about a nickel per song and a quarter for albums I download. i loaded $20 in February and …

Member Avatar for replicavertu
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

Load on startup means: Power on to: Desktop displayed, Icons loaded, system in idle process, all daemons / devices running, connected to LAN / Internet. Time it takes my Linux box to load on startup: ~45 seconds to one minute (and it has issues) Time it taks my gf's Macbook …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hi all, UDATE: Let's not hastily rush into this. I may have found my problem. BTW, my result set is populated with all of the required data. I have a custom renderer which renders table cell values from a query. The result data is populated into a 2 dimensional array. …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hey there, I'm getting ready to release my Beta version of a java project you've all been so helpful with. There is one problem though. I haven't the foggiest idea how to package the jnlp. Where do the compiled libraries reside? Are they part of a binary? What is launched …

Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hi all, I am rather new to PHP, but have a fairly ok grasp of software design. My question arises from the fact that I'm getting ready to deploy some scripts etc. to my website which is hosted on a *nix type server. My home / work computer that I'm …

Member Avatar for leviathan185
Member Avatar for tom.t

[QUOTE=tom.t;1035297] IF count > 10 THEN WHILE x < 0 DO INPUT x ENDWHILE ENDIF My understanding: Count is evaluated. If count is <10, the app moves onto the next section. If count is > 10, X is evaluated. Until x is <0, the user will keep being prompted to …

Member Avatar for tom.t
Member Avatar for rameshnerella

cast your IP address as a string if it isn't already. Cast your ints as Int objects, then you'll just need to concatenate them: [CODE] Integer one = integerone //your initial value; Integer two = integertwo Integer three = integerthree String myChunk = ipstring.concat(all of your Ints to strings); [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for mruthyunjaya
Member Avatar for jacquelinek

[QUOTE=jacquelinek;1031214]I have a list like this: name1: group1 name2: group4 name3: group1 group2 name4: group4 .......... .......... I wish to invert this list, and make it look like: group1: name1 name3... group2: name3 group4: name2, name4 ........... ........... Can somebody offer at least a psuedo code? Thanks[/QUOTE] Cool problem. Can …

Member Avatar for k_manimuthu
Member Avatar for LKH

interesting point. I haven't seen the non-equals operator used as a loop conditional before. I have to admit that what you said makes sense. I would have never thought of it in that way before. But . . . what guarantee do you have that you are actually comparing values …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for GrimJack

Lol, I loved the comment about the guy who thinks it's a precursor to the world ending. In the grand scheme of things, It's a somewhat common event, although, still spectacular. If the earth is 6 billion years old and has been covered by oceans for 2.5 billion years. Typical …

Member Avatar for GrimJack
Member Avatar for eggmatters

In Design mode in NetBeans IDE, I had a palette with all of my AWT and Swing controls and some netbeans that I can drag and drop onto the Jframe I'm designing, I accidentally closed it. I am not seeing a menu option anywhere to add that palette back as …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for gsingh2011

Your connection appears to be refused: Connection refused: connect I tested your url, and I think it worked. I just wrote "Hey there" as the message arguments, so you may get an email with that or maybe not. I would attempt a step-by-step debugging of your code and try …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for weblover

Won't the statement: [CODE] c.SetBefore(before); [/CODE] keep moving the cursor back one from where it is when was called?

Member Avatar for weblover
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Not really sure how to phrase the question. Essentially my issue is this: I have a Form that when the user clicks a button, it invokes a JFrame that populates a datatable with a sql query. The datable frame also has a button. The user can select a cell in …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for alien2006.happy

Hey there, As with almost any algorithm, you want to define a base case. Also you want to have at least one testable condition, and then you need at least one exit condition. So . . . your exit condition will be : [CODE] for all N: what needs to …

Member Avatar for alien2006.happy
Member Avatar for Vandithar

[QUOTE=Vandithar;1030278]Hi, Thanks for the reply. I had one doubt. Suppose for example id string is like this: [CODE] $str=" AB - Thromboxane plays an essential role in hemostasis, regulating platelet aggregation and vessel tone. TP - beta- isoforms that are transcriptionally regulated by distinct Prm1 and Prm3, respectively"; [/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for wannagethelp
Re: Perl

try something like: [CODE] $tcount; $acount; $gcount; $ccount; foreach $letter (@DNA) { if (($letter eq "t" ) || ($letter eq "T")) { $tcount++: } and so on [/CODE]

Member Avatar for wich
Member Avatar for DazednAngry

[QUOTE=DazednAngry;1029788]I am working on an assignment and I need a bit of help. I am using a double linked list to find roots of polynomials, the list has a trailer node only. I can't seem to get it to create a list. I figure I am just missing something small …

Member Avatar for BestJewSinceJC
Member Avatar for hello214

Firstly, your for syntax is incorrect, for clarity, enclose your loop conditions in brackets: [CODE] int count = input.nextInt(); short[] grades = new short [count];/// array System.out.print("\nPlease enter the grades one at a time, pressing enter " + "after each value."); for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) …

Member Avatar for hello214
Member Avatar for BlendedFrog

[QUOTE=BlendedFrog;1027486]. If I can get the program to at least load the info into the gui text box I can finish everything else up. Any help would be great.[/QUOTE] Howdy, without delving too deep into your code, but looking at the question you've submitted, your output is resolved in the …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for th3d4rk2000

[QUOTE=th3d4rk2000;1027405]I have to make a psuedocode or a flowchart to create a multiple-control break program. The Specifications: You are given an input file that contains the following information: * Title * Author * Category * Publisher * Price * BookCity * BookState Produce a report that totals the number of …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for uopgirl

[QUOTE=Grn Xtrm;1024213]To make sure the algorithm is a valid solution to your problem. Type code based on your algorithm to see if the algorithm actually works in a real program. If it doesnt work, the algorithm is flawed and must be re-written.[/QUOTE] Also, more formally, an algorithm must satisfy 2 …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for SuSham

[QUOTE=Ancient Dragon;1024468]There are lots of different compilers for the same os too -- its called competition.[/QUOTE] JBennet pretty much summed it up. The final result of a computer program is a binary list of bits read by the OS and processed by the CPU and associated devices. Operating Systems define …

Member Avatar for eggmatters
Member Avatar for necrolin

[QUOTE]_base(const std::ios_base&)' is private manager.cpp:18: error: within this context.[/QUOTE] I don't think your problem is on the stream. It may be, but look at your error. Obviously, the entirety of it isn't applicable but you should have some insight as to what caused it at the top. Check line 18 …

Member Avatar for necrolin
Member Avatar for eggmatters

Hello all, I am writing a java application where I have a Jtable with checkboxes next to the data. If the user checks a box, I want to store a specific value from the data table. I can do this inelegantly by setting setCellSelectionEnabled(true) and adding the following to the …

Member Avatar for eggmatters

The End.