i am doing my final year project in Face recognition using laplacianfaces.
if any body has done this technique then please help me out..
i dont know how to find the k-nearest neighbors and thus the similarity matrix between images...
please reply me anybody who ha some IDEA OR CLUE for this...


i am doing my final year project in Face recognition using laplacianfaces.
if any body has done this technique then please help me out..
i dont know how to find the k-nearest neighbors and thus the similarity matrix between images...
please reply me anybody who ha some IDEA OR CLUE for this...


Look into Adaptive Resonance theory of Neural Networks. That's usually how it's done in the real world.

Look into Adaptive Resonance theory of Neural Networks. That's usually how it's done in the real world.

hey thanks for the reply..but i need to know whether u have done something regarding this project or no?...coz if u have..then i can actually elaborate my doubts that i am facing while implementing the laplacianfaces algorithm in matlab...the k nearest neighbors problem is specific to that only....actually i know what does k nearest neighbors means...but i need to clarify some observations in my result
reply soon...

hey thanks for the reply..but i need to know whether u have done something regarding this project or no?...coz if u have..then i can actually elaborate my doubts that i am facing while implementing the laplacianfaces algorithm in matlab...the k nearest neighbors problem is specific to that only....actually i know what does k nearest neighbors means...but i need to clarify some observations in my result
reply soon...

Yeah that is a little out of my league. I certainly would love to help, am somewhat familiar with k-NN algorithm, but unsure how it's implemented in Matlab. We dealt with more basic pattern recognition, not specific face recognition techniques. If you need an extra set of eyes however, please feel free to reply. Sorry I can't be more help.

Yeah that is a little out of my league. I certainly would love to help, am somewhat familiar with k-NN algorithm, but unsure how it's implemented in Matlab. We dealt with more basic pattern recognition, not specific face recognition techniques. If you need an extra set of eyes however, please feel free to reply. Sorry I can't be more help.

ok that will be helpful for me as u have worked with the pattern recognition problem,..
nw i want to explain the whole problem to you..can u give me ur email id so that i can brief u about my problem.....i think email correspondence will be much convenient..

commented: email correspondence isn't convenient for everybody else -1

i am doing my final year project in Face recognition using laplacianfaces.
if any body has done this technique then please send me the process or steps to run the project.

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