958 Posted Topics
Re: So horridly formatted, I get lost in all those brackets. | |
Re: [QUOTE=LincolnGurl;736380]TAs chip designers, not C++ programmers, we would normally construct these routines at ASM/uC level and thus have complete control over both implicit/explicit code generation. However, due to product restructuring, we must now produce native C/C++ "programmer-friendly" firmware which is readily accessible by designer and non-designer alike. As most of … | |
Re: It wasn't rude.... there is a Game Dev forum here too. Does your game engine have a GUI you can use, letting you progress to the rest of the code? | |
Re: cout not understood? Are you including the right headers? There's Code::Blocks, and Dev-C++ | |
Re: [QUOTE=fatnickc;387960]I know that I could convert to binary, breed & mutate, and then convert back to decimal[/QUOTE] The computer is always technically in bin... even if you're using dec values in a high-level language. | |
Re: Scan for input, and [icode]break;[/icode] when you get some. In the loop checking for input, set up a counter with clock() and check if it's been two or so seconds, in the loops condition. | |
Re: Sounds like homework.... Google is your friend. (just staring at the list of operators it might become obvious) | |
Re: You only need one loop, just use counters. Here's one on the site from a few years ago: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=28093&highlight=fibonacci+c%2B%2B[/url] | |
Re: If you don't even need all that fancy stuff anyway, DX9. Maybe even try SDL or Allegro if you'd like even more OS cross-platform compatibility. | |
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Re: Do you have the code pasted twice? If it's your code, then shouldn't you know how to to add data to your nodes? And divide by eight groups? Like eight lines of input, or eight values in a single line? | |
Re: Does it have to be [icode]Matrix * Matrix::op[/icode], and [icode]Matrix &Matrix::op[/icode]? | |
Re: Here's code from something I was doing the other-night: [code]string str = "I'm a fairy! abc xyz ABC XYZ"; int casechanged = 0; cout << str; for(i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if(isUpper(str[i])) { str[i] = toLower(str[i]); casechanged = 1; } if(isLower(str[i]) && casechanged != 1) { str[i] … | |
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Re: Everything for using C-style strings is in string.h Here's a reference: [url]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/[/url] | |
Re: There was a problem here that might have the solution, for you: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread156929.html[/url] | |
Re: You could have just bumped your post. And alongarray was just a substitute for your vector... did you read the link about vectors I posted?: [url]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stl/vector/[/url] | |
Re: If you need even larger numbers you might want to look at SSE: [url]http://www.tuleriit.ee/progs/rexample.php[/url] | |
Re: stdlib's atol() not atoi(). [code]int countlines; while(!inFile.eof()) { inFile.getline(temp, 100); alongarray[countlines] = atol(temp); countlines += 1; } [/code] Good enough. | |
Re: If you're going to use windows.h's Beep() instead of the old non-ANSI _beep(), you might as well use Window's GetKeyState(), or GetKeyboardState(). | |
Re: If you're writing the parser, then anything is possible! Oh course.... not everyone is insane as me. Sitting here writing a script parser for a game. | |
I'm on Dev-C++ default options, WinXP SP3, P4 w/ HT. When I c-shift a value, and then back I get back distorted values. Using the standard _rotr() and _rotl. [code] /*somewhere in main()*/ str = "I'm a fairy! abc xyz ABC XYZ"; printf("\n%s\n", str.c_str()); for(i = 0; i < … | |
Re: [QUOTE=AcidG3rm5;734609]can you try this... [code] if(devisor==true) { cout << i << "is a devisor" << endl; } [/code][/QUOTE] Yes, it's the same thing. Since if() checks if the statement is true. When you say if(condition == false) you're asking, "if it is true that this condition is equivalent to false". | |
Re: Well yes, there is a way. Thinking back to all those old text based games. I need a little more clarification, on what you're asking. | |
Re: Get use to strings and files: [url]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/[/url] [url]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/fstream/[/url] Learn bitwise operations and casting: [url]http://www.cs.umd.edu/class/sum2003/cmsc311/Notes/BitOp/bitwise.html[/url] [url]http://www.aui.ma/personal/~O.Iraqi/csc1401/casting.htm[/url] That's what you'll want to know, if you want to go about cryptology. | |
Re: Emerald214, you already have this posted in the Game Dev. forms. Just try this first, then slowly add things back till you find the problem. [code] void display() { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glFlush(); } int main() { glutCreateWindow("glut Test"); glutDisplayFunc(display); glutMainLoop(); return(0); } [/code] | |
Hello, here to warp my head with the C++ forums, and maybe keep up-to-date on tech related stuff(little bit behind, but pretty much the same). The only people that seem to use these intro threads are one-line posters who seem very bot-ish..... or am I imagining things? lol | |
Re: You've got it. Convert 4 characters into an integer. Then convert the next 4. Simple. To bad this is a zombie thread. :D |