I'm on Dev-C++ default options, WinXP SP3, P4 w/ HT.

When I c-shift a value, and then back I get back distorted values. Using the standard _rotr() and _rotl.

/*somewhere in main()*/
    str = "I'm a fairy! abc xyz ABC XYZ";
    printf("\n%s\n", str.c_str());
    for(i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
          str[i] = itoc(_rotr(ctoi(str[i]), 1));
    printf("%s\n", str.c_str());
    for(i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
          str[i] = itoc(_rotl(ctoi(str[i]), 1));
    printf("%s\n", str.c_str());
/*till the end of main()*/

/*for clarity the ctoi, and itoc functions*/
inline int ctoi(char c)
    int i = (int)c;

inline char itoc(int i)
     char c = (char)i;

Am I just doing something wrong(like in the casting), or should I try another method?
Another problem might just be it's getting late, and should call it a night. lol

Can you explain what do you want to do really?
All presented code looks like an absolutely senseless coding exercise...

std::string s("I'm a fairy! abc xyz ABC XYZ");
  for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ 
     s[i] >>= 1;
     s[i] <<= 1;

Is this what your looking for ?

edit: i don't think so. Sorry. :)

Think: why someone wants to shift/rotate bits in all string chars? Is it a kind of a funny encifering?..

I was just fooling around with encryption, till I ran into this.

But the the problem seems to be:

char a = 'a';
a = _rotr(a, 16);

is doing the same as:

a >>= 16;

Clearing the half of the bits. Instead of preserving the values, and rotating it halfway.
Is there some other function, or algorithm out there I can try instead?

Perhaps I should have posted in the C forums, since I believe it is a C function(stdlib).

Can you explain what do you want to do really?
All presented code looks like an absolutely senseless coding exercise...

I agree, looks like you are trying to convert a string, and then immediately convert it back to the original, which is not really doing anything ...

But to help solve the question maybe try casting differently

char itoc(int i)
   return static_cast<char>( i ) ; 

That's funny but no need in these itoc/ctoa at all: int to char and vice versa are builtin C++ conversions.

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