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10 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for eshalmj

Well first thing is, you don't have any constructors declared anywhere, a constructor is the 'function' that happens when you instantiate an instance of a class. So basically what you would need to add into your header file would be: [CODE]class Account { private: //what you had here before // …

Member Avatar for divyakiran
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hello, I'm creating a game editor and I'm at the current stage that I would like the ability to attach scripts to objects (by selecting the string of the method name to be called). That would be saved into the object's scripts to load / run array. That shouldn't be …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Shoh

At the end of your example before the end of the return 0; put std::cin.get(); This will have the program wait for keyboard input from you before it is terminated. So for example you have your Example.cpp file like this: [CODE] int main() { //blah blah std::cin.get(); return 0; } …

Member Avatar for Shoh
Member Avatar for confusedndazed

[QUOTE=confusedndazed;1078051]Thx for replying....I'm confused because line 31 has '}' so what line should it be in? And I'm confused about what you mean for the second loop.[/QUOTE] Put one more bracket } right after that one on line 31, your first for loop never stops before you calculate average.

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for daviddoria

[CODE] double color[3] = {1,2,3}; //an array with 3 elements of type double double *ptr; //create a pointer to a double // ... assign ptr .... ptr = color; // set pointer to color[0] (beginning of it) essentially ptr++;//increment ptr so it points to color[1] which is 2 cout << …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Snapster5

I'm not sure you ever define the function array_insert(), I don't see it defined anywhere, nor do you actually put any values into it. I'm not that good with c++ yet, but that's the first problem I see. Just my thoughts.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rena0514

It seems to work for me, I type: x : 0 : 0 colon representing hitting enter and it puts an x in top left. EDIT: See you've posted something before this. The way I have done it in the past, which isn't necessarily a good way, is just having …

Member Avatar for rena0514
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hi, I'm having a problem wrapping my head around a problem. Here is the problem: Develop a program that will input a binary string and then, using bitwise operations, do a two's complement on the string and display it. Use UNSIGNED data types for the bit strings. So far, I …

Member Avatar for r.stiltskin
Member Avatar for uberian22

You can't use the datatype when calling the functions, just get rid of the voids *on those lines only* not in the declaration/defintions, and I think that will solve that specific problem.

Member Avatar for uberian22
Member Avatar for BigTito89

Hello, for my final team project for C++ we are making a simple space invaders clone with the [URL=""]SDL[/URL] libraries. Most of it is working great so far but in order to 'destroy' the enemies, they must not be drawn anymore and should be destructed. ER is just the # …

Member Avatar for BigTito89

The End.