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3 Posted Topics
I'm need to set up teams based on how many wins the team has inside this text file : [code] UNCC 30 NCSU 28 GT 25 USC 20 GSU 19 UVA 15 UGA 2 UNC 1 [/code] For example the output of the program should be: [code] UNCC VS UNC … | |
I'm completely new to C++ and trying to figure this stuff out I had posted a topic a couple days ago. After many frustrations and headaches, I deiced to start over. This is what I got: [code] #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; double ot = 0; double getHoursWorked(); double getPayRate(); … | |
[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <cassert> using namespace std; class Payroll { public: int menu(); int option; int mainMenuOption(); int payrollMenu(); int employeeMenu(); int employeeOption; int payrollOption(); int anotherOption(); int exitOption(); int mainMenuOption; { system("cls"); cout << "\t\t Docket Materials Company\n\n"; cout << "\t\t Main … |
The End.