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11 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, can someone pls help me. I'm trying to pass the name of the user who logs in from a login form and display his/her name on a Main form. I'm using get{} and set{}. My problem is with the function I'm trying to create to return the name of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, if somebody can help me.. On main form, I have this set of alphabet letters and a datagridview. Each letter represents the first letter of each item in the datagrid. When a letter has items in the datagrid, it's underlined to show that it's clickable; no items=not clickable. When …

Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, Is there a way to "clear a previous loop and form a fresh new loop"? I'm paging my datagrid. Upon form_load, it shows all records in batches of for example 10, which I can set in a textbox. If for example I have 60 records, then my loop code …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I need to have all the letters of the alphabet displayed across my tabpage, with each letter clickable. Can someone pls help me; I can't get this right, I only have the letter A displayed: [CODE] Label[] lblalpha = null; lblalpha = new Label[26]; string alphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; char[] …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, Can someone help me pls why this doesn't seem to work? [CODE] private void dataGridViewempl_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (dataGridViewempl.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex == 6) { CheckBox deletebox = new CheckBox(); deletebox = (CheckBox)dataGridViewempl.CurrentCell.Value; if (deletebox != null) { if (deletebox.Checked == false) deletebox.Checked = true; else deletebox.Checked = false; } …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Pls can somebody help me. I'm developing a project using In my project, I'm using a repeater. But I can't seem to use OnItemCommand or OnCommand. It's showing this compilation error, e.g. BC30456: 'selectitem' is not a member of 'ASP.usermainform_aspx'. This error shows in all repeaters across my forms …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I'm making a printable Purchase Order form using Crystal Report. This report retrieves data from two tables. Example, I have fields PONumber,DateofPO,Airline,DateofFlight,ETA,ETD from a table called tblFlight. I have fields PassengerName and Rate on another table called tblPassenger. Each PONumber can have multiple passengers. How can I get it …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I'd like to get the value of a column from a datagrid and insert that to a table. I get an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Here's my code: [CODE] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data Public Class Class1 Public Shared Sub insertrecord(ByVal query As …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I want to populate a listview with items from datagrid view. I've been searching for solutions but it seems that all the scenarios I found were about populating listview with items from tables in database, not from another listview or datagrid view. I'm trying this code: [CODE] For count …

Member Avatar for Chair
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I need help in numbering rows in datagrid. I have a column that should number 1,2,3 so on when adding a new row. When I delete a row, those numbers should re-number still to 1,2,3. So when I delete row 2, the row that's been added as 3 should …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Chair

Hi, I've been searching all over trying to find an answer to my problem about reading/writing text files. I saw this very old post/code snippet and am wondering if you could help me with my own: How about if I have this input file: 39882 M 7:45 18:16 10 hours …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg

The End.