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Simple, honest, nice guy.
15 Posted Topics
Re: Just a thought: Maybe you shoul'd try to paint only whatever needs to be updated from time to time and not the whole form! Maybe the whole content in a panel or such.. Or maybe just the snake, no? | |
Re: Just test if the value is empty or null with empty() function. [CODE] foreach( $_POST[ 'count' ] as $textBoxIndex => $textBoxValue ) { if( !empty($textBoxValue) ) echo '<br />Textbox ' . $textBoxIndex . ' has value [' . $textBoxValue . ']'; } [/CODE] Cheers! | |
Re: To check if a CheckBox isn't checked use: [CODE] if(ChckBxAND1.Checked == false) { ..... } [/CODE] or use: [CODE] if(!ChckBxAND1.Checked) { ..... } [/CODE] | |
Hi there, I'm quite new to ASP.NET development so i don't know what's the best way to do this... I want to list some data in several rows and have a column with a checkbox or radiobutton that allows the user to select a row; Then I should get a … | |
![]() | Re: I recommend you to take a look at [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee681613%28v=vs.95%29.aspx"]RichTextBox[/URL] |
Re: Lookup for StreamReader and StreamWriter on msdn. You'll find that class very usefull for that matter. [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.streamreader.aspx"]StreamReader Doc.[/URL] [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yhfzs7at.aspx"]StreamReader on Doc. w/example[/URL] [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.io.streamwriter.aspx"]StreamWriter Doc.[/URL] With the methods of those classes you can easily achive want you want to do. If you need some more help, just ask. ;) Hope it … | |
Re: I'm not quite sure what your asking. Why can't you use File.Copy()? You can select a file from a dialog using OpenFileDialog object, this will give you the file selected, having paths and file name then it's just a matter of copy... You could use a function to copy like … | |
Re: [URL="http://iridescence.no/post/CreatingaSingleInstanceApplicationinC.aspx"]http://iridescence.no/post/CreatingaSingleInstanceApplicationinC.aspx[/URL] Hope it helps. | |
Re: Dis you set that column as Text data? | |
Re: I belive you have the coords/position of one vertex of each rectangle; Having this and the lenght of the sides it's quite simple, I guess. Taking as reference the top left vertex of the outter rectangle and comparing with the position of the top left vertex of the inner rectangle … | |
Re: Hi there, Here's some code that I hope it will help you. [CODE]// Folder path; string sourcePath = Application.StartupPath; DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath); // File name; string oldName = "file.txt"; FileInfo[] files = di.GetFiles(oldName, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); // Path to destination folder; string destinationPath = sourcePath + @"\Folder\"; // New name … | |
Re: Your code is kind of messy. Once you do it for one table on one DB there's no dificulty in doing it on the other, same process, different connection. Setup different connections, different commands and execute. | |
Hi! I'm form Portugal, recently graduated on Computer Science. After 'crashing' into your Forum over and over again when I was looking for some help about programming I decided to sign up and be part of this community. You already helped me a lot of times before so, I'm looking … |
The End.