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15 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Can I save the information from common dialog Save as Jpg or Bmp format to an INI file and retrive it when the program starts. Now I have this line Image4.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\test.bmp") to load the picture. and it's not good. I would prefer to have that the …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

I will not that the code below shall count up or down '********************************* Sumtax For lngIndex2 = 1 To ListView1.ListItems.Count lngTot2 = lngTot2 + ListView1.ListItems(lngIndex2).SubItems(5) Next Text10.Text = Format(lngTot2, "###0.00") if I have say 83.67 in a listview then in the text10.text shall be the same amount no differens text10.text …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hi I have manage to install vb5 and trheed32.ocx Trying to install vb6 okej. when I go to components and mark sheridan then it comes up that threed32.ocx is not a valid ocx. Confused how can vb5 run with threed32 and vb6 **NOT** Any help it will help me lot. …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

I have commondialog that i can search for *.bmp,*.jpg files thats okej, now the problem is. saving the picture to the rot + filename next time I start the program I will change the picture to another file that shall be saved in rot + filename the first picture shall …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hi the line with image4.picture don't work the rest of the code is printing out as it shall do. The image4.picture is in hidden position and the path is Okej.( can see it when the image4 is vissible=true) How or where is the problem ?? Help is use full with …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hello I have a maskedbox and I will when I press OK button it will generate a new number in the maskedbox.

Member Avatar for LeNenne
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hi and Hello I just wonder where to put the click event of a commandbutton in this code, the command button is for the alphebet and are indexed from 0 to 28 [CODE]Dim startpos, extpos Dim Entry As ADRDATA, NumRecs, i Dim tmpStr As String Dim strDatum As String 'Dim …

Member Avatar for ChrisPadgham
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hello I have made a smal databas but some where I have got a error when I add a name surname (jones), forename (roger), phone 34567 it is ok but the problem is that when I edit another one with same surname(jones) and a different forename (david) same phone then …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

How shall I write the code so i get surname first and forenamn last Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblData WHERE Surename & Forename LIKE '"& "'" & "& '*'") i don't know if this is right

Member Avatar for StephNicolaou
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Thanks for all help. My friend have a little problem with a text file. as follows Monday Thuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday He have it to load as folows Dim namneng As String, Fnumeng As Long, strLeneng As Long ' för England Dim iDag As String Fnumeng = FreeFile …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hello again I'm dealing with a problem in VB6 I have the swedish version in the national enverionment as default and the [U]LabelDatum.Caption = StrConv(Format$(MyDate, "dddd dd mmmm yyyy"), vbProperCase)[/U] is saying SÖNDAG in the first form but I will change that with some code in the form2 that the …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hello in a case there I wan't to change letter in an index from 0- 28 to just 0 - 26 it's commandbuttons, and the 3 letters should be dissaabled, the code is in swedish just now, but I will change that in language settings to english letters. and how …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

Hi just wonder how I can use commandbutton ( caption Letter A) click event to read names from an random file that just corespond to letter A in to an listbox.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for bonzo2008

I hope this little code can be use for some one [code] MyDate = Date MyWeek = DatePart("ww", Now, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays) Label3VWEEK.Caption = "Week " & MyWeek LabelDATE.Caption = StrConv(Format$(MyDate, "dddd dd mmmm yyyy"), vbProperCase) LabelDATE.Caption = Format(Now, "y :\e \d\a\y\ o\f \t\h\e y\e\a\r ") 'I use to extract the …

Member Avatar for bonzo2008

The End.