Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I have to strongly disagree, and if you just read what Dani wrote and if I understand correctly, DaniWeb has been around A LOT longer than SO. SO was founded 7ish years ago, where DaniWeb was founded 15(?) years ago.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I'm not sure why your code is even compiling as the less than sign should be on the left side of the equals sign. This should be how it is in any case, less than, greater than, equal.

Anyway, on with the question, you should be setting one of your initializers in the for loops equal to the amount of lines, then count down. Hope this helps.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Eclipse works fine :P I have since switched to IntelliJ IDEA community edition. It doesn't matter what you use for it. Update your JDK to Java 8, JavaFX is built in now.

Stick with the SceneBuilder for a while, then program your own GUI through code.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Hey Slavi, glad to see some interest in Java FX. I definitely think Java FX is excelling now and will soon become a primary over swing.

If you're looking into getting into it, I would suggest building a simple GUI Program (Anything you want), inside of the SceneBuilder (What JC was talking about), and adding a Controller Class to the GUI to do program the logic. You can grab SceneBuilder from the JDK 8 Extra Downloads page.

Use an FXMLLoader to load your GUI.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(MainClass.class.getResource("path/to/fxml/gui.fxml"));

For programming the controller, don't forget to set the fx:id under the code menu on the right side in SceneBuilder, and then go ahead and grab the Sample Controller Skeleton from View > Show Sample Controller Skeleton. Make sure full is checked then just copy-paste that into an empty class file.

Link your new Controller by calling it in loader.setController(new GUIControllerClass());

Of course this isn't all you need, google around for diferent things, like a basic tutorial, this should be a good start however. Come back if you have questions.

JamesCherrill commented: Excellent input. Thansk you. +15
Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I am honestly baffled that there is almost NO help for anyone using JavaFX.

For those of you who know Java like the Face on a clock, I encourage you to take some time to learn Java FX.
The beginners need people like you.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

A general rule I follow by, is that the only thing needed in main is a call to create a new instance of the class. That way I can keep the class not static and everything else that way too, unless needed.

JamesCherrill commented: A good "general rule". +15
Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Yes, and yes!

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Always post your code of what you've done so far when you say you're stuck or not sure what to do next. We can't help you if we haven't seen what you've done so far and give you guidance on corrections and on what to do next.

As hericles said, post back with the complete code and someone should be able to help us, including me.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Hey Slavi! Much appreciated that someone thinks what I am doing is pretty cool. So Kudos for that. Heres some more projects.

Number Game
I believe someone posted this here before.
Create a program with a limited set of numbers (I used 1, 2, 5, 10, 100, 1000) that it uses to count with. Have the user pass a number and have the program use the numbers it KNOWS to count to the number passed in from the user.

Sudoku Solver
Someone posted this one here before as well.
Create a program (GUI is easier) where a user gives a Sudoku Board and your program solves it. Have the user input 0 for an unknown. Be sure to check for validity.

Sudoku Game
One I might attempt after the Solver. Create a GUI Sudoku Game making sure to check validity, and having win conditionals. Program a few boards into it.
EXTRA: Have your game generate a random board on a new game. Make sure these boards are valid and can be solved.

Have a list of pokemon in a txt file or something that can be read by your program. The user searches a name, or number which shows the information about that Pokemon.
EXTRA: Include weights, heights, regions found, game they were introduced in, etc.
EXTRA EXTRA: If a user searches for a name, weight, height or game, your program outputs all pokemon that has the text in there …

JamesCherrill commented: Excellent list of ideas. W +15
Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I would have to disagree with that one James. Here's why.

A console combo lock could teach separate classes, constructors and (as much as I now hate it) simple Scanner input. Really simple beginner stuff.
Create 2 classes, Combination, which generates a new combination, and a ComboLock Class which you do the input in and processing and stuff. Of course this class uses the Combination class.

Of course this can be converted to use a GUI after it's done too. In which case, you don't need to write a new Combination class, it's already there!

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I was just thinking about all of the unsolved threads, the ones that actually are solved, and I was thinking, maybe @Dani could add a 'Please Mark as Solved' button that users could click to notify the owner of the thread that they should mark it as solved.
Obviously, this could be abused, but if we put specific limitations on it, lets say, only let the user click it once, or limit its use to Moderators only, then maybe we could all help clean up the "unsolved" threads.

Just an idea.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

You realize you posted 3 different threads for this? I'm pretty sure thats against the rules you agreed to when you signed up.

Also, It is REQUIRED you post previous code in which you attempted this.
Please do so or no help will be provided.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Keeping in mind with the aspect of "for learners", Here are some projects I started out with.


Area Calculator
Calculate the area given the shape and dimensions needed, then output.

Make a Blackjack game that asks the user if he wants to hit. Check for
bust if total exceeds 21.

Simple addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication calculator.

Ceasar Cipher
Encrypt a String given a shift value.
See This.

Fibonnaci Sequence
Calculate the fibonnaci sequence up to a given number of times.

Grading Program
Output a mark(A, B, C, D, or F) given a number 0-100.
F = 0 - 59
D = 60 - 69
C = 70 - 79
B = 80 - 89
A = 90 - 100
EXTRA: Change A to 90 - 99 and give A++ for 100.

Guess My Number
Have the computer generate a number that the user has to guess correctly,
if the user guesses incorectly, have the user guess again. Also, tell the
user if the guess was too high, or too low.

String Reverser
Ask the user for a String, then reverse the string and output.

Those are just a few, will post more later.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

YouTube is your bestfriend.
Search up "Game Development Language" where Language is the programming language you wish to use.

Some good starting ones are C++(SDL and OpenGL), Java and C#. XNA may be good aswell.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz


e As System.EventArgs


e As System.KeyEventArgs

Try that, post back with results

Try this too

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

I beleive this is what your looking for,

Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Create Account
On Error Resume Next
Dim strUser As String = "UserID"
Dim oDomain As Object = GetObject("WinNT://computername")
Dim oUser As Object = oDomain.Create("user", strUser)
If (Err.Number = 0) Then
End If

'Add to addministrators
strUser = "UserID"
Dim strGroup As String = "Administrators"
oDomain = GetObject("WinNT://computername")
Dim oGroup As Object = oDomain.GetObject("Group", strGroup)
oGroup.Add("WinNT://computername/" & strUser)
End Sub
End Module

manikandan22 commented: i can't create user account.use this code.did u know why this problem occur.i am using windows 7 os. +0
Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Create a Button, Change (Name) property to Ping, and a TextBox, Change (Name) property to AddressText, only 1 form is needed.

Paste this code over top of ALL code.

Public Class Pinger

    Private Sub Ping_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Ping.Click
        Call PingNow()
    End Sub

    Sub PingNow()
        Dim output As System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply
        Dim pinger As New System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
        output = pinger.Send(AddressText.Text)
    End Sub
End Class
Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Should work, haven't tried it myself.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Hello everyone!

Quick survey, are you guys liking Visual Studio 2012?

Comment below and say why you are, or aren't enjoying it!

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Just add a new button and stick in this?

Form1.DrawWidth = 30
For i = 1 To 5
Line (150, 200)-(150, 100), vbMagenta: Delay: Cls
Line (150, 300)-(150, 200), vbCyan: Delay: Cls
Line (300, 300)-(150, 300), vbBlack: Delay: Cls
Line (450, 300)-(300, 300), vbBlue: Delay: Cls
Line (450, 200)-(450, 300), vbWhite: Delay: Cls
Line (450, 100)-(450, 200), vbRed: Delay: Cls
Line (300, 100)-(450, 100), vbGreen: Delay: Cls
Line (150, 100)-(300, 100), vbYellow: Delay: Cls

All I did was reverse the order. Try It, not garunteeing that it will work.

Doogledude123 45 Posting Whiz

Are you trying to ask how to make one? or are you going to edit with tutorial? Please clear things up before posting.
