I am honestly stumped.
I need to Create a BankAccount class that has the following:
a) Instance variables for: name, accountNumber, balance, typeOfAccount
b) Accessor/mutator method for each instance variable (You will end up having 8 methods)
c) Create a displayAccountInfo() method that displays the account information as follows:
Account Type: <the account type>
Name: <account holder's name>
Account Number: <the account number>
Balance: $<balance> should display with formatting: $#,###.##
Create a BankAccountDriver class that does the following:
a) Create an instance of BankAccount
b) Prompt the user for the type of account, their name, account number (which we will auto-create later), and initial balance. After each prompt, call the correct mutator method on the instance to set that data.
c) Call the displayAccountInfo() method.
Be sure your runtime execution is similar to the following:
Name: John Doe
Account Type: Checking
Account Number: 123456
Account Balance: 5000
Hello John Doe, here is your account information:
Name: John Doe
Account Type: Checking
Account Number: 123456
Account Balance: $5,000.00
can anyone help me with this