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I worked about 2 weeks with OpenTK and I like to know how to texture triangles. I like to give my program, the flexibility to make shapes like triangles, cubes, spheres and to give them different textures (or shaders). I like to give my window a icon, but it says … | |
Hi. im developing a loan processing system using mvc c# asp.net. One of the requirements of the system is to perform a credit history check on the customer applying for a loan. so this is how it works: -the customer applies for a loan. the customers id number gets stored … | |
My question is this: I'm trying to practice PHP. I use OpenElement as my editor. You can get to know this program through this website: https://www.openelement.com/ Problem is: when I preview the page (with PHP in it) it doesn't display text produced by PHP, but instead it produces the PHP … | |
New to asking help but I'm desperate. I have most of the code I just need advice and also how to put the value from the file into the array and then pass to the functions without using any strings or string header. Basically trying to make this work and … | |
I am now learning OpenTK. I have some trouble learning how buffers, vectors and how to make more than 2 3d shapes. and if I try to set the texture or shaders, it will change all the shapes to the same textures and shaders. I have read a lot of … | |
So, I am a post grad student in the software development field, and I am not working at the moment, but I have some questions on Business Rules, User Stories, etc. So I was wondering if perhaps we could open up a discussion here on some of the common business … | |
Hi, I am new with sql server. I want my date formate like dd-mm-yyyy.. but i could not able to do so. please help me and give me proper syntex fro the same | |
i'm making a program after the user finishes answering asks him to repeat or if he wants to enter another values and keep asking till the user says different than continue Programming python | |
I want to build a client applications for desktop with NET Framework and MySQL database. i can create new project with windows form control library or windows forms app. What is the difference between this to options? Which of the two do you recommend using and why? thank you in … | |
I'm trying to use CSS as so: <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 991.98px)" href="/files/mobile_css/daniweb.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (min-width: 992px)" href="/files/css/daniweb.css" type="text/css"> I want to load one CSS file for our mobile layout and a different one for our desktop layout. The problem is the web browser always downloads … | |
I have always known that urlencode() encodes spaces as plus signs and rawurlencode encodes spaces as %20. However, I always struggled to know when to use which. I just finally learned today that you should use rawurlencode() if encoding URI paths and urlencode() if encoding query strings. Who woulda thunk … | |
Our CSS and JS files are not being re-downloaded by web browsers when we update them. The response headers look like this: cache-control: max-age=7776000 content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/css; charset=UTF-8 date: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 02:41:59 GMT etag: W/"5e34c19d-68a08" expires: Fri, 01 May 2020 02:41:59 GMT last-modified: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 … | |
Hi. I want to detect a face and draw line exactly around the face to crop it. I searched a lot and used the EmguCV face detector. but now my code just draw a "rectangle" around the face and if I crop it, I will have a rectangle with a … | |
A client would like me to implement spreadsheet-style form traversal using the arrow keys on a keyboard, i.e. left arrow would submit the entry for that field and then move left by one field on the form. The form is managed by my PHP code. Does anyone have a [U]browser-independent[/U] … | |
This code will call a phone number and try to play a wav file. It sounds like a man on a CB that you cant understand. It should be a woman voice. I dont know if its the flo control or something else. Does anyone have any ideas? | |
Hello all. I have a funtion in MYSQL to substruct days from a date. This function seamsto work but some dates it times out. This is my function CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `Calculater`(intrval int, req date) RETURNS date DETERMINISTIC BEGIN declare calculated date; declare added int default 0; Lbl_Loop: Loop IF … | |
I have a basic html here, where you could just submit the button through an action page, so it inserts the record into the mysql database in phpmyadmin, what I want to know is how to make it auto submit after 5 mins, while setting the blanks fields value into … | |
I have daily scatsat level4 data for wind for year 2017 in a single folder I need to calculate the windspeed of the data and average of windspeed for 8 days for the whole year and need to plot it in a image using quiver plot **I am able to … Programming python | |
I am using Magento (Ver 1.9.x) If i try with my localhost success url like, and return success message with order id. if i try with live, success url like, https://abc.in/payubiz/redirect/success/ success page like blank page. How to solve the issue? Code : https://github.com/ZusZus/Payubiz | |
I have a large database of information of characters This contains "owner", "charactername" & a lot more info the owner can easily repeat as they own more then one character. what I'm trying to attempt to figure out how to do is create a list of UNIQUE names and how … | |
hello everybody im trying to compute the log(n) while n in the first time =10 and second time =100 , third =1000 and fourth = 10000 but an error still happenening the error is math domain error can anybody help in this code and error import math import logging n … | |
problem How to make row that have different value with color red font to full row ? I have html dynamic table not static meaning i dont know how many rows or column inside table because it changed based on data show from back end . I need to give … | |
1. Airline Reservation System Green Dot airline has just purchased a computer for its new automated reservation system. You have been asked to program the new system. You are to write a program to assign seats on each flight of the airline’s only plane. Assume the plane has 6 rows … Programming c++ | |
I have been 2 player programming othello. The program checks for possible areas to place piece "O" and flips pieces. I have got the code for "X" ready too but I can't get the program to switch to player2 "X" and execute code associated to it. Can someone help? class … | |
Hello, i have the following code: index.php <form role="form" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <label for="products">Product</label> <select id="products" name="products" class="user"> <?php require 'data.php'; $products = loadProducts(); foreach ($products as $product) { echo "<option id='".$product['id']."' value='".$product['id']."' selected>".$product['name']."</option>"; } ?> </select> <label for="bundles">Bundle</label> <select id="bundles" name="bundles"> </select> </form> Script <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ … | |
Google PageSpeed Insights indicates a score of 90+. However, the same pages still fall into the slow speed category in Google Search Console Chrome UX report. It says FCP is longer than 3 seconds (3.1s average). What is some low hanging fruit I can do to help real world performance? … | |
here is a wonderful short program to try out! A COUNTDOWN TIMER | |
Hi all, here is a small program I have worked on over these last two days, I have submitted it in the hopes of some constructive criticism and suggestions (please be kind, this is one of my earlier C projects lol). This is a small console application that simulates a … | |
Hey i am student and quite inexperienced in coding. Therefore i hope somebody can help me how I can create a Multibar chart. in the appendix I have attached a picture how it should looks like. I tried it for 2 weeks now and I still have no idea. It … | |
Hi all, I'm having some issues with the Scanner not waiting for input from the keyboard. The first method processChoice takes the userChoice and the idea is that in the switch statement there is a call to a method getUserInputForProcessing that takes the action and there scanner takes an input … |
The End.