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Member Avatar for mobeid1

Hello dears, can anyone help me with how to code this: Write MARIE code to: 1. Input a number and store it in X . 2. Y will be equal to “

Computer Science
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for seb33

Hello I have a abstract class: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public abstract class Question { static int nQuestions = 0; static int nCorrect = 0; String question; String correctAnswer; abstract String ask(); void check() { nQuestions++; String answer = ask(); if (answer.equals(correctAnswer)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Correct!"); nCorrect++; } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Incorrect. The correctanswer is …

Computer Science java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Aaron_17
Member Avatar for Daniel_118

# Find minimum integer coefficients for a chemical reaction like # A * NaOH + B * H2SO4 -> C * Na2SO4 + D * H20 import sympy import re # match a single element and optional count, like Na2 ELEMENT_CLAUSE = re.compile("([A-Z][a-z]?)([0-9]*)") def parse_compound(compound): """ Given a chemical compound …

Computer Science java python
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Daniel_118

Is there a way to solve for a system of multiple equations with multiple variables and variables on both sides in java Lets say im given three (or more) equations in an array list or array like so... 4A=1C 10A=2D 2B=2C+1D and im allowed to set one variable equal to …

Computer Science java
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jianna66

So i've made a piece of software, i've finished unit and integration testing, and now I need to do system testing. I've read that "System testing is testing the whole system against the requirements specification after integration testing has finished. we don’t need to know what component is being executed, …

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Robert_96
Member Avatar for PitMalice

Assume that you are the manager of a restaurant. Create an interactive program that allows you to manage the order from your customers and compute your daily sales. First create a text file that contains the menu of your restaurant. Arrange the menu such that the items are properly organized …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Speed_Freak5150

I am trying to get a program to work that asks for a user input to count by that number and display 10 numbers per line. I can not get it to display 10 numbers per line. If anyone can explain to me what I am doing wrong? public static …

Computer Science java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Detsibli

I am a student learning, I was tasked with the following; > Create a class called AddressBook. Create the address book with a dynamic array and when the object is created, the programmer should specify the maximum number of items in the addressbook. (e.g.) AddressBook myAddressBook(20); It should contain a …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Felipe_4

How are you? Greetings to all of you. I have a task and that is to find the complexity of the counting algorithm sort line by line to finally find the T(n). The truth is that it has been quite a complicated subject for me, but I have been working …

Computer Science
Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.