I am asked to calculate the wait time for the processes below using the round robin sqeduling algorithm.
I am given a quantum of 8ms.

execution time(ms)
Process 1 = 13 priority 6
Process 2 = 20 priority 24
Process 3 = 26 priority 35
Process 4 = 51 priority 48
Process 5 = 176 priority 7

Please help!

How would YOU do it? Seems like its something like:

1) sort the processes into priority order
2) give them each min(8ms,execution time left) of time (and lowering their remaining time by that amount); all other active processes have to wait this amount of time!
3) as a process is completely satisfied it needs no more execution time, so it can either be removed from the list or else say that the remaining time is zero.

Seems simple!

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