Use the CPU trace generator to generate jobs (or process) traces and simulate the
following algorithms
1. Shortest remaining time next (aka Shortest Job First with pre-emption,
aka SJF, shortest next burst time).
2. Round-Robin with user set-able time quantum (the time quantum should
be a userset-able command line parameter. Default time quantum is 20 time
[Hint: aka = also known as]
The CPU trace generated by your CPU trace generator must have the following
? numberOfJobs
? JobId_1 [space] arrivalTime [space] numberofIORequests [space] [Priority]
Followed by
? burstTime_1
? burstTime_2
? burstTime_3
? ...
? JobId_2 [space] arrivalTime [space] numberofIORequests [space] [Priority]
Followed by
? burstTime_1
? burstTime_2
? burstTime_3
? ...
? JobId_numberOfJobs [space] arrivalTime [space] numberofIORequests
[space] [Priority]
Followed by
? burstTime_1
? burstTime_2
? burstTime_3
? ...
An example of a trace file is:
1 0 3 1
2 3 2 2
Your CPU scheduling simulator should read this trace and simulate the algorithms
listed above. You want to test your program with a mix of 2 - 20 jobs and (the
same) two test cases (traces) for each algorithm:
1. Predominantly I/O bound jobs (interactive)
2. Predominantly CPU bound jobs (batch)
Your simulation should output the following statistics
• Average throughput measured in jobs per time unit
• Average turnaround time measured in time units
• Average waiting time measured in time units
Predominantly I/O bound jobs means the main part of this process/job will be
I/O based. It means the most of the execution time of that process will require
Input/Output from/to user and vise versa for Predominantly CPU bound jobs.

You are required to submit 3 files; each should accept the following command line
* If not specified, then default quantum size = 20
Trace File
• We are not simulating I/O burst times
• Priority has been excluded
• The ranges for generated values are as follows:
o No. of jobs: Random number between 2 and 20
o Arrival time: There should be between 0-20 time units between job
o No. of I/O Requests: Random number between 1 and 20
o No. of CPU Bursts: # of I/O Requests + 1
o Burst Duration: Random number between 1 and 100
(Please note: I/O bound processes will have shorter bursts on average
then CPU bound processes)
An example of a trace file is:
1 0 2
2 3 1
5 5
Shortest Remaining Time First
If a process P1 is running and a new process enter the ready queue, allow P1 to
run again, i.e. include it in the processes in contention.

Please post your own work. This is a homework assignment-- it's obvious from the way it's phrased.

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