Hi, i am writting an essay on the new programming language "zonnon", and i have some very useful information on it. In fact, too useful. i was wondering whether someone might be able to translate some of it into 'english' for me, as i don't really know a lot about the programming lingo. Here is the bit i need help understanding, under the heading "goals for the zonnon project":

(bits i don't understand in red)
1. design support for 'programming in the large'

2. a modern object model that supports concurrency: activities in objects replacing passive method calls

3. formalised interaction between activities (dialogs)

4. good for both structured and OO programming styles for a wide range of applications ... OS to business

5. support multi-processor and distributed systems

6. support inter-operation with other languages and their libraries

if anyone can help me out with a translation for any or all of these bullet point aims for the developers to meet, then it would be very much appreciated! thank you

>1. design support for 'programming in the large'
We let you write big programs.

>2. a modern object model that supports concurrency: activities in objects replacing passive method calls
We let you do more than one thing at a time.

>3. formalised interaction between activities (dialogs)
We force you to put things together our way.

>4. good for both structured and OO programming styles for a wide range of applications ... OS to business
We're slaves to the latest trends and buzzwords.

>5. support multi-processor and distributed systems
We don't restrict you to MS-DOS.

>6. support inter-operation with other languages and their libraries
You can use stuff from other languages that we think are important.

commented: Refreshing, and nicely anti-Microsoft +3

Thanks! I think? Not sure if your answers are entirely serious, like..

>3. formalised interaction between activities (dialogs)
We force you to put things together our way.

>4. good for both structured and OO programming styles for a wide range of applications ... OS to business
We're slaves to the latest trends and buzzwords.

But atleast i know what they mean for the rest! thanks

Hee hee - brilliant! It's like decoding a menu at a fancy resteraunt....

"Braised finely ground young beef nestled inside a freshly baked bun, with tender greens and roma tomatoes..."

"A hamburger"

Great translation, Naru!

>Not sure if your answers are entirely serious
Unfortunately, I was serious (but in a funny way).


with your permission I will make a copy of this and hang it on the wall next to Albert Einstein's famous dictum.

Narue, I liked this one. Amazing insight into Operating Systems. I found it refreshing.

Thank you,


>with your permission I will make a copy of this and hang it on the wall
Everything I post is in the public domain, so feel free.

I'll give it a go too:

1. design support for 'programming in the large'

We tried to make the manual easy enough to understand, so anyone can use it.

2. a modern object model that supports concurrency: activities in objects replacing passive method calls

It wortks when more than one thing is happening at once, but it won't let you control a scientific experiment with precise timing.

3. formalised interaction between activities (dialogs)

The things which are happening at once can talk to each other, further confusing the entire process.

4. good for both structured and OO programming styles for a wide range of applications ... OS to business

It works fine for business, computer games, and general programming, but it can't do anything with precision timing.

5. support multi-processor and distributed systems

Meaning you can hook several copmputers together, and it will mess up on all of them.

6. support inter-operation with other languages and their libraries

You can program in several languages and scotch-tape the programs together.

Most of this stuff is exactly what I DON'T need.

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