Hi, i am writting an essay on the new programming language "zonnon", and i have some very useful information on it. In fact, too useful. i was wondering whether someone might be able to translate some of it into 'english' for me, as i don't really know a lot about the programming lingo. Here is the bit i need help understanding, under the heading "goals for the zonnon project":
(bits i don't understand in red)
1. design support for 'programming in the large'
2. a modern object model that supports concurrency: activities in objects replacing passive method calls
3. formalised interaction between activities (dialogs)
4. good for both structured and OO programming styles for a wide range of applications ... OS to business
5. support multi-processor and distributed systems
6. support inter-operation with other languages and their libraries
if anyone can help me out with a translation for any or all of these bullet point aims for the developers to meet, then it would be very much appreciated! thank you