The subject doesn't quite match the forum? :cheesy:
Well, I've to develop a system in VB. It's going to be a system used by some Management people. So, as I was designing the database, I was wondering, how could I assign the type of the primary key as?
The scenario goes like this:-
The Management people have the flexibility of adding new records into the database, so, the issue here is about the primary key. I would have a approximately 10 tables. If I use primary keys such as [A001, A002, A003] for table A, [B001, B002, B003] for table B and [C001, C002, C003] for table C, I know it is quite tough or even impossible for people to just key in the first name and last name to be stored in Table A and to have the new primary key be stored automatically following the first name and last name.
I could have asked them to key in the primary key along with the first name and last name, but I know that this is quite not-professional. If I use auto increment primary keys to solve the problem, can I use it for almost all the 10 tables? Will there be any clashes as of primary key is concerned?
Err, I hope you guys understand what my problem is. :confused: