:ehh: helloo...
i have this renting application in which the user enters his name, phone , amount, date , payment to rent a flat ,,
i have a table called rent which is related to this its fields are :
name, telephone,amount, date, paid and there is one more field called serial which is the primary key, i want every user to have a different serial number ( which will be generated automatically every time i add a user)
for example:
when user one will be added he will have serial number 1
when user two is added he will have serial number 2
user 10 serial 10 and so on ,, i tried doing many things but it doesnt work ,
this is my code for the add button:
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Name") = txtName.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("telephone") = txtPhone.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("amount") = txtAmount.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Date") = txtDate.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("paid") = Check1.Value
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("serial") = txtSerial.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("serial") = serial
and this is when the form is loaded:
serial = adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("serial")
serial = serial + 1
where serial is an integer
i tried doing this: ( by adding a function)
Public Function getUniqID(tblname As String, fldname As String) As Long
Dim tmpRs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim MaxID As Long
Set tmpRs = New ADODB.Recordset
tmpRs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
tmpRs.Open "select max(" & fldname & ") as maxID from " & tblname ', Cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If IsNull(tmpRs("maxID")) = True Then
MaxID = 0
Else MaxID = tmpRs("maxID")
If MaxID = 0 Then
intSerialNo = 1
intSerialNo = MaxID + 1
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Call getUniqID("rent", "serial")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Call getUniqID("rent", "serial")
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Name") = txtName.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("telephone") = txtPhone.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("amount") = txtAmount.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("Date") = txtDate.Text
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("paid") = Check1.Value
adoBooks.Recordset.Fields("serial") = intSerialNo
End Sub
but i keep on getting an error in the line colored red
any help please?