
I need help with my Final Year Project on computer science,

Please anyone with useful information should pls asist with with topics and plane details.


This is not an intrdoduction , moved.

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Wow, the helplessness is astounding!!!

Perhaps if we removed all those posts, the site would show up a lot less for this particular search term.

Then we can all go back to sleep whilst it becomes a SEP

It's good for ad imprints I suppose....

please i need three project topic on compyter science

commented: Halting problem, Prove Goldbach's conjecture, find a sort algorithm that runs in O(n) or better -3

Hello friend,
I am a final year computer science student and i need a main project on computer science based on the language java.If you have,please replay me the details.

1.online knowledge sharing
2.online votting
3.online job finder
4.online library

please give me a science project topic

commented: Influence tatty67's reputation by -8 -3

please give me a science project topic

Find a cheap way to detect explosives .

commented: LOL - they'd probably blow themselves up at the first test. Remember, 'people' asking for this kind of help come from the shallow end of the pool. +17

i also need a project topic for my final year pls help if you can

commented: Too lazy to even properly type the request for help. -2
commented: fail -2
commented: another mindless shrub -3

i also need a project topic for my final year pls help if you can

Without code , check ieee or c++ / network journals , you will good real life problems to solve.

With code , you will not be able to explain the project to your professor , so no use of submitting a project after downloading from internet.

To all people who are searching for project topics: USE THE SEARCHBOX. Do not start yet another thread about it and don't hijack someone else's thread. If you're too stupid to figure out how a site-search works, then you shouldn't be doing CS anyway.


commented: Fantastic - close all the "plzsuggestproject" threads and demote all the weeners that bump them - yehaaaaa!!!! +17
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