hi all,

sorry, if my thread in wrong place :'(

i have 1 formula in my CR 8 like this

if left(ToText({tbsubledger.subledgerdate}),4)=ToText({tblpercentage.percentyear}) then

result from formula above will be suffixed with "ADM's EXPENCES". Formula work fine if I run report from 1/1/2007 - 31/12/2007 ( 1 year ),

but if I run report from 1/1/2007 - 31/12/2008 ( 2 year) or above, formula return me zero.
it should be

(percentage 2007 + percentage 2008) * ADM's EXPENCES

how the best formula for my case in condition if I run my report for 2 year period or above??

Try to move your thread to C# or VB.NET forum.

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