Hello everyone! I am John and Im 13 years old. I was always wondering if the Computer Science field was good to major in. I would like to kind of get is jist of how much they make.

Also, what would be helpful if you could tell me some classes I should take next year in high school and in college.



>I would like to kind of get is jist of how much they make.
It's a well known statistical fact that CS majors (like all other college students) make minimum wage, at best. Once they get into the field they make anywhere from less than $20,000 to over $100,000. The average rate is around $70,000 though.

>if the Computer Science field was good to major in
It's fascinating, hard, interesting, hard, caters to creative people, and hard.

>would be helpful if you could tell me some classes I should take next year in high school and in college.
Mathematics, English, and a second language other than English.

Some other classes you could take the next year is some computer science classes. Those could give you a small taste of what the general idea is. Also, be sure you get plenty of math, it will help you tremendously. Good luck.

I'm in AP Computer Science right now in high school, and I find it very easy. I guess the best way to go, would be find out what language they will be teaching the year you come up, and start learning early. Don't be fooled by the "AP", those classes really aren't as hard as people make then out to be. But take as many as you can, and don't forget honors, take all honors classes. All of those classes help you get into college.

>I'm in AP Computer Science right now in high school, and I find it very easy.
Everything in high school is easy. University courses are considerably more difficult.

>I'm in AP Computer Science right now in high school, and I find it very easy.
Everything in high school is easy. University courses are considerably more difficult.

I made a 'B' in Art, I didn't find that very easy?

Thanks guys. You are helping plenty :D

>I made a 'B' in Art
You didn't learn the rules then. Anyone who wants an A is supposed to draw random lines and make up some BS about how it's the physical manifestation of their being.

Well, I got graded down for what the teacher called " being dirty with clay".. :cheesy:

i'm 15 and taking AP comuter science next year, as well as 'tech service and repair'. get into computers. it is where the world is going and i guarantee you wont regret it.

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One shouldn't choose a major/career path based on money alone. If everyone did, we'd have no teachers.

hm, very true. i dont think we have to worry about that though. some people just love to teach, and just plain love to do those low paying jobs that sometimes can be very rewarding...

but i guess that is proving your point in a way... :lol:


Computer Science is more than just learning programming languages. It teaches your how to think critically in or to solve complex problems. If you are going into the field just so you will code up some program that is begin created you may want to reconsider. All of the simply "programming" jobs are overseas. Microsoft has huge buildings in India and China of just programmers that make one fourth of what they make in the states, there is not market for that work here. However designing algorithms, laying out new software, maintaining old software, managing and creating new networks and providing better security for data is highly valued for american companies still, not just being able to code. Taking some business courses will be HIGHLY valuable to potential employers. This also applies to those who are more on the systems side of work as well. Show employers that you are familiar with how computer systems work and that you are a creative and talented problem solver and the rest will take care of itself.

If your school district offers dual enrollment at a local college/University I would definitely go for it. I got past my first 2 semesters of English, pre-calc, and Calc that way. Computer Science is a good major to start with because there are many different aspects of the field to get into. Though if you really really like math I would suggest Computer Engineering with a minor in software development. That way you can get a good look at the technical side of computer's as well as some of the programming aspects. Not only that but you will be well prepared in problem solving. I would also suggest looking at current Job postings to see what different skills employers are looking for and start looking at the different things you think you would like to do and learn about them.

Just my penny's worth - do it if you are genuinely interested in it. Computer Science isn't "all my friends have problems with windows and I fix it for them". Programming is only one area of Computer Science ( all be it important ) and even then, knowing the syntax of a language doesn't imply Computer Science it is a very wide field and keeping one eye on the maths ( computer science maths will do ) will stand you good.

The poster was 13 years old when he starter this thread. By now, he would be 18 years old. I don't know if he could hear your messages.

commented: Yes +4

You have chosen a good field to major in..If you really want to succeed focus on mathematics and sciences and join some good computer courses for beginners and later on you can shift to higher level languages...all the best

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