To convert 1310 to binary, the steps are as follows:

13/2 = 6 remainder 1
6/2 = 3 remainder 0
3/2 = 1 remainder 1
1/2 = 0 remainder 1

I didn't understand the last step. How can 1/2=0 . It should be 0.5
And how can remainder be 1. Please can anyone explain this.

1/2 is 0 remainder 1 because you have 0 whole divisions into 2. You are correct in saying that it is 0.5, but when doing a conversion between bases we deal only in whole numbers.

Thanks darkagn. I still didn't get this. You said " 0 whole divisions into 2" Please can you elaborate in details for me.

Q. How can 3/2 be 1? I thought it was 1.5.

A. Lookup "quotient" and "remainder" on the Internet.

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