i'm in my 3rd year and we have assign a group project(4 member)..
all of them are really good at programming and we need real cool
new ideas about what we are going to implement

I personally prefer to do somthing relate to sucurity..
but any thing which goes new in computer science and IT

thank u

hey man u are doin Programing and im running a compnay name as vision studio for web designing and i need guys for work if u are intersting to work then u are more then welcome
Imran Hashmi www.visionstudio.co.uk 0044-7969012441
Imran Hashmi www.seo-professional.co.uk 0044-7969012441

Yes Security is a big issue now-a-days .Unlawful attacks against computers, networks and the information stored are creating the biggest problem for computer world. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system are focusing more and more on computer security courses.
For doing any project you must be using Internet for the search of information..Collecting information from internet is not an easy task. Web research softwares are new class of applications which provide you with the facility of saving and organizing everything may be it is a link, web page or image.

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