Hello. First off, let me say that if this has been brought up before I apologize.
I'm currently a junior at the University of Colorado and am majoring in CS with a minor in business. I was an ECE major and switched to CS due to the fact that I just didn't care about how the computer works. However, after taking some more classes, the process of computers and electronics have grown on me. I am considering switching majors to EE and getting a minor in CS.
Let me say this, I enjoy programming. There is nothing more exciting [well, almost nothing :)] then seeing your code or program run successfully. Seeing all that hard work come together is just a great feeling.
Here's my main issue. I have heard many different views/opinions on what the industry is looking for. I heard that the industry prefers EE majors over CS for programming because of the fact that EE majors know more about how computers work and that's what companies what.
Now I see this to be true for programming in assembly or for hardware. Even programming for firmware. But software? That just doesn't make any sense.
I would like to develop software/games for a living. I wouldn't mind doing firmware/hardware either. Can CS majors program firmware/hardware? Or is it EE/ECE exclusive?
Any help from the people involved in industry or just any info at all regarding this topic will be greatly appreciated.
Again, if this post doesn't belong here, please move it to the proper place. Thanks.