hi all,

i have given the job to develop the Entity Relationship Diagram for "TASK MANAGEMENT" for an MNC

i'm a learner in ER Diagram

I really dont know how to start with this......

So please help me!!!!!

Please explain what you want out of this "task management" diagram more thoroughly and give an idea of how experienced with e-r diagrams you are.

Please explain what you want out of this "task management" diagram more thoroughly and give an idea of how experienced with e-r diagrams you are.

the main aim of Task Management is that when an MNC gets a task(lets say a project)

at any point of time the director,or the PM,PL,TL, shoiuld be able to view the status of the

project, what r the things tht has been completed etc.

and also at any point of time the developers(or TL,PL,PM) can see only the status of his work & their sub-ordinates .

like this we have to keep track of many tasks tht will be taking place in an MNC & also the tasks with highest priority has to be finished first ( i.e the current low priority work has to be stopped at tht stage & high priority task has to be taken up)

I know basics like : Types of Relations, Representing entities, attributes

So far i haven't done any exercise on ER -Diagrams

please do reply Quickly..

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