I have created an awesome text-based battle game, and i want others to see it. Is there a way to put this game online, without others stealing the code, but they can play it?

Stealing code? Well, if you put anything on the Internet, you have to sacrifice your privacy. If you don't want it to be stolen/copied, you don't put it online. It is similar to putting your nice painting in a show room and let others see and take pictures. Then you expect those who have seen/taken pictures of the painting not to attempt to recreate it somewhere else without you knowledge.

Do you have a website? You can use java::Applet to embed java stuff on web.

Is there a way to make a website for free?

You mean get a free hosting site???

Yes. I understand that this is the most impossible thing ever, but is it possible?
I face the impossible with bravery.

Yes. I understand that this is the most impossible thing ever, but is it possible?

You think free web hosting is impossible? Have you done any research? Seriously, fire up google.com and you'll find no end of free options. They typically limit things like available space or include advertisements, but it's far from impossible.

My bad. Okay I get it. I found one now how would I put the java game on the site?

If it is a java class file, you would need to create an applet and embed the applet into a web page (.html file). Some tutorial is at the oracle.

while I do that, how do i add games to my site for now?

while I do that, how do i add games to my site for now?


Yeah I'm sorry. I know there are sites that have little links that say "Put this game on your site." But after I do that do i have to do anything else. I am still working on my site and havent put it up yet. That's the only reason I am asking this.

  • Create a free website
  • Make a blog about your game
  • Enable them to download your game
  • Now you friends are able to play your game

i try to do the same think somone can help me plase ?

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