This forum is meant for discussing programming languages in addition to exchanging code and algorithms. However, it has become a problem where too many students are posting homework problems expecting a quick solution without ever trying for themselves. Though we are all here to help, please don't expect quick solutions to your homework. We'll help you get started, exchange algorithm ideas, how-to's, etc. but only if you show that you're willing to put in effort as well. For more information about this, click this link.

Please be sure to wrap all code in [code] vbCode!

Anuradha Mandal commented: Good post. +0

What link? I don't see nuthen.

When it says click "this link" the words "this link" are a hyperlink to here: [thread]557[/thread]

Yeah, but before it was not highlighted, now it is.

Must be your imagination. Or you didn't notice it. It was always highlighted like a link. ;) All regular text on this site is black. All new links are dark blue. All visited links (or links you hover over) are light blue.

C'mon, now, I am telling you is wasn't highlighted before, but if you believe that it was, so be it.

Because when a link hasn't been visited before, it's a dark navy blue. It doesn't turn light blue until it's been visited. So you probably didn't notice it because navy blue didn't stand out from the black text. Now that it's light blue it's noticable.

Well, then maybe you should change your color scheme to help out us old folk who can't see so well. :-)

How'd I know you were going to say that. ;)

I dunno, maybe it's because you are so smart?

Do I detect a little anger here?

It doesn't matter what you say. We are not going to help you with your homework if you show no effort.. :-P

NO NO NO! Absolutely not true. There is no rule anywhere saying that we won't help anyone with their homework. What I'm saying is that you shouldn't post a homework problem that takes a lot of effort, and ask for a quick answer, without attempting the problem yourself or at least showing some form of effort.

Updated post.

Well, then maybe you should change your color scheme to help out us old folk who can't see so well. :-)

I agree. :D

I use bold.

Wow that post was funny as hell haha. Dani, Tek come on now, give him a little something something on the side give me a freebie help him with his homework who cares if he is not willing to try, it will be an exciting feeling for all of us give the guy his something something on the side come on now hahaha. This is too funny having too much fun at work.

Jimmy, I'm always going to help you with your homework, so don't worry. LOL!

( Anger ) At people who skimmed through High school ( cheaters) not knowing what the hell they were doing in Algebra's.
(cheaters) Only bring down this society(usa)
Now I understand why my older brother (educated in 15+ maths ...ect) never gave me help in math except, his old hand written high school notes.
People who cheat down the road get to a point where they dont know what they are doing and f**k up things in the real world.
I show no pitty on these people.

I agree but I cheated my life and high school. I am proud of it because I was so smart I beat the Los Angeles School District you know the worst in the nation were I have to share one book with 3 other people. Anywho I agree with you Big B. Tek I knew you were going to be there for you thanks buddy ;) hahaha I love this fourm.

i agree for sure but they must be able to code them selves too

Yes! Yes! Finally someone is taking a stand!

I strongly support your ideas. I don't know if guys are aware of this or not, but students tend to ask you questions not just online, but also face to face. I have had some friends in the past, who wouldn't try at all and asked me to do it from scratch. Instead of saying "Could you look at my code and see what's wrong"?, they say "could you do this for me, please"? That's why I don't like to go to my college's computer lab, eh?


...I have had some friends in the past, who wouldn't try at all and asked me to do it from scratch. Instead of saying "Could you look at my code and see what's wrong"?, they say "could you do this for me, please"?

I sympathize... I just hate it when they do that...

I agree.

No pain.... No gain!

Programing and related things are ardous to be learned. there are no "shortcuts" !



I totally agree when you say that we should help only those who try. This is my first post and I would like to mention this incident:
I am a professional java programmer and I am registered to another forum for students who do java homework. The reason why I registered was because NO one ever taught me how to write java. I had to discover many things on my own. That's why I wanted to see if I could help them with their questions because no one ever helped me. (by the way they don't know what I do for a living when I reply).
Anyway once a student sent me the compile error messages that his program had and asked for my help. I told him the messages he received clearly state what the error was and at which line (ex. he forgot to put a ';' and the message told him the line this happened).
He replied by saying that he knows what the messages mean but he wants me to tell him exactly what to fix in his code and how to write it!
Of course I told him no and gave him some pointers on how to interpret the messages the compiler gives. I didn't register just to do their homework for them. That would be terribly easy and extremely WRONG. Some of them have great ideas when writing code and those I do help with some tips

Hi Dani,
Can you not put some trigger , like if there is keywords like urgent homework help ,etc in the title of the post but there is no "code" tag in the body of the post, you can redirect the poster to your sticky "we only give homework help" to whoever shows some effort and then allow the user to post a message?

Just a suggestion though.

Can you not put some trigger , like if there is keywords like urgent homework help ,etc in the title of the post but there is no "code" tag in the body of the post, you can redirect the poster to your sticky "we only give homework help" to whoever shows some effort and then allow the user to post a message?

I'd like that. Though, as always, I don't know how much work and for whom does that mean. Try posting it on the DaniWeb Community Feedback forum.

Member Avatar for Epic Tissue

It seems like quite a few people here jump to conclusions that people are looking for homework help. Especially if a question is used from a textbook or exam paper. You know that this can mean a person is studying on their own and want to learn. It doesn't mean that they are doing homework. Now in July, who is in school anyway?

Homework or self-study, it comes down to the same thing - if someone can't show that they have put any effort in solving the problem then they shouldn't expect someone here to just hand them a solution.

It seems like quite a few people here jump to conclusions that people are looking for homework help. Especially if a question is used from a textbook or exam paper. You know that this can mean a person is studying on their own and want to learn. It doesn't mean that they are doing homework. Now in July, who is in school anyway?

You didn't read the rules quite right. We do help with homework problems, but only if the poster shows some effort. We also try to give hints on solving the problem rather them handing out some complete working code. This way the poster might actually learn something from their assignment (aside from how to use ctrl-c ctrl-v). I think it was something like:
"Driving someone somewhere is one thing, but telling them to get a damn drivers license of their own is another"

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