vuyiswamb 17 Posting Whiz

hi All

i realy need your Help. i have a Table named Property, this Table has a Field named "Lis_key" and Attrib_code and "Func_key", my Table can look like this

Lis_key ===========Attrib_code=========================  Func_key======
01424545                       1212033993                  PV000000
01424545                       Null                        GEOSS001
01424545                       Null                        GEOSS002
01424545                       Null                        GEOSS003


Now from the Above table, i call records that have Func_key "Parents" and Records that has Func_key "Children". and in my table there are many Parents that have no Children. Am interested in those that have Children. As you can see the Attrib_code of Children is Null, i have this query that Find the Parents that has Children. and its like this

select p1.Attrib_code,p1.Lis_key
from sde.property_Backup p1
where p1.func_key = 'PV000000'
and exists (select 1
		from sde.property_Backup p2
		where p2.lis_key = p1.lis_key
		and substring(p2.func_key,1,5)='GEOSS' And 
		P1.aCTIVE =1)
Lis_key ======Attrib_code============Func_key======
01424545        1212033993         PV000000
01424545        1215035993         PV000000
01424545        3599345445         PV000000
01424545        5035934544         PV000000


and now as you above, table this Parents have Children with a Fun_key that is like "GEOSS", and they are null. i want to Copy a Attrib_code of a Parent to a Child as long as the Lis_key as the same. and the Final results should be like this

Lis_key ======Attrib_code=========Func_key======
01424545        1212033993         PV000000
01424545        1212033993         GEOSS001
01424545        1212033993         GEOSS002
01424545        1212033993         GEOSS003

No more Nulls for Attrbi_code for GEOSS, So i need an update Statement for the Children.


Please Help