Dear All,

I am new to MySQL. Can i retrive the result of a query as the combination of different fields of a single record..

For example..
if the result record of a query is ... id(1), country(India), Location1(maharashtra), Location2(pune), Location3(Navi Mumbai)...

My doubt is that can i retrive the 3 locations as one field..

Please excuse me if this is a foolish question..



if they are all coming from a single it testTable... then you would just say

SELECT location1, location2, location3 FROM testTable  WHERE ....

and then you can fill in whatever goes in the WHERE clause to get the result you want. In general you can list as many fields as you want plus other goodies in the select expression (the part where you tell it what you want) of a SELECT statement. They have to seperated by commas.

Double post.

You can use CONCAT()/CONCAT_WS() functions to get as many fields as you want as a single column.

SELECT id, CONCAT(', ', location1, location2, location3) FROM table

if they are all coming from a single it testTable... then you would just say

SELECT location1, location2, location3 FROM testTable  WHERE ....

and then you can fill in whatever goes in the WHERE clause to get the result you want. In general you can list as many fields as you want plus other goodies in the select expression (the part where you tell it what you want) of a SELECT statement. They have to seperated by commas.

that's exactly what i've been using

SELECT location1 a, location2 b , location3 c FROM testTable  WHERE  a.someField = b.someOtherField AND b.someOtherField = c.someOtherFieldToo


SELECT location1 a LEFT JOIN location2 b ON  a.someField = b.someOtherField WHERE someOtherField = 'blabla'

Oh. So thats what it feels like to look like an idiot. I forget if I go more then 20 minutes without putting my foot in my mouth. I'll read more carefully next time

i answered a different question. Should have read the question better. mwasif got it right

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