Hi all,
I m converting stored proc from sql server to oracle.
first have a look sql stored proc.
create procedure xyz..
-- i have created one temp table
-- then inserted some data into it by select query over some db table.
-- then i have another temp table
-- then some recored gets inserted into second temp table by help of first temp table and some

Hi all,
I m converting stored proc from sql server to oracle.
My application call these procedure and got datatable in case of sql server but now client want my applicaiton with oracle, so i m shifting my sql server db to oracle.
first have a look sql stored proc.
create procedure xyz..
-- i have created one temp table
-- then inserted some data into it by select query over some db table.
-- then i have another temp table
-- then some recored gets inserted into second temp table by help of first temp table and some other table of db.
-- now finally it update second temp column data on some condition and then send back datatable to my soft. application

what would be the approach to write this procedure in oracle.
please have a look over my oracle procedure which is not working.
create or replace procedure xyz...
-- i have opened one cursor with select statement ( these select statement provide me all data which i m getting in second temp table)
-- now how can i update my cursor??????

Thanks lot.

And what is your question?

PS: Just found you made double post, They been moved together.

And what is your question?

PS: Just found you made double post, They been moved together.

my question was how to write that stored proc in oracle?

If you are familar with oracle procedures then you just need to take care of the syntax and just implement the logic in PLSQL.

i understand what was my mistake, i have to use global temp. table to handle this situation.
Tx lot .

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