Hi Guys

I have designed reports in Discoverer Plus and the users are viewing the report using viewer.

My need is that suppose there is a report which is made. Now if some user views the report by changing the layout and save the changes. Now problem is the change done by the user is reflected when any other user opens that report.

Is it possible to create some private kind of connection where a particular user can do the changes but is not reflected in the actual set of reports created

Is it possible to do something with private and public connections

Please help me out in this

nope. Discoverer reports are the same for everyone who has access to them.

I believe in Discoverer Administrator you can restrict the privileges of users so they can't change your report. If they make a change they have to save it under a new name. Might be worth looking into.

hi oracle discoverer professional

given errors encountered on windows - Vista Machine no such error is being reported on windows- XP.

Please provide some METALINK etc. for such error occurrences..



3)unexpeted:java.lang.runtimeexception: unexcepted:
java.lang.illegalstateexception:missing eventsupport connect on:
oracle disco.model.corbaserver.worksheetlnfompl@f94934
(sheet1,siworkbook 11051322080)

4)an internal error has occurred.if this persists,please
contact your discoverer manager

5)contact with discoverer server has been lost.to
continue your work,please restart discoverer plus.if
this problem persists,please contact your oracle
application server administrator


This could be connected to the version of Discoverer that you're using as there isn't much Oracle software that's certified to work with Windows Vista.

I need to know what version of Discoverer you have and is vista running on a 32 bit platform etc.



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