Hi, I have noticed that a lot of newbies using MySQL ODBC driver on their Windows often come across difficulties testing the connection despite that they have created the database on their servers. If you can put our members through in step wise fashions, please respond to this tread. It will be of immense benefit to daniweb upcoming database-administartors members.

Why do you use ODBC driver? Just curious, as Java programmer I use JDBC. Also many experienced members and programmers complained about ODBC being very badly written...



don't use MySql unless it is coordinated with open source (php or java) scripts/languages. In these cases ODBC is not necessary. If MySql won't work with a .net or coldfusion server, who cares. You have enough cash to shell out for a "closed source" server. You might as well flush a bit more down the toilet for a comparable db.

If you will not mind, I started this thread to elicit responses from advanced pros like you and buddylee17 for the sake of people like me (Hope I didn't sound sentimental).
Peter, as you asked for my reason for using ODBC driver, please remember that I am a newbie. Also, I have oracle xe installed on my system that I used to connect to the oracle 10g xe database and I want to really establish how to link the database with my web visitor form. I installed and configured MySQL on my server and also installed the MySQL ODBC driver (version 5.1). What the problem is now that I couldn't establish a connection, despite that I supplied all the parameters corectly. All I kept getting is "unable to establish a connection: access denied to user". I left that and decided to try the oracle database connection. The connction was succesful however, I couldn't locate the table I created in the oracle database, when I wanted to link tables in the MS Access. The link table process was succesful for the sample HR table in the database as It appeared among the table list. Based on my explanation, the following issues are bothering me:
Issue 1. My desired destination is successful submission of form data from my website to a database (apart from MS Access)

Issue 2. I just sarted out in SQL (which I find stimulating), can some experienced database administrator put me through by pointing me to specific tutorials?
Issue 3. Could buddy_lee17 or someone who understood him better than I, be more explanatory (I mean step-wisely) on his advice. I shall realy be grateful.


>>> I installed and configured MySQL on my server and also installed the MySQL ODBC driver (version 5.1). What the problem is now that I couldn't establish a connection, despite that I supplied all the parameters corectly. All I kept getting is "unable to establish a connection: access denied to user".

You should post the original code completely where you try to connect to database via odbc datasource.

>>> I couldn't locate the table I created in the oracle database, when I wanted to link tables in the MS Access.

Did you ever connect to ODBC-database from within MS Access? What version of Access are you using?

General: Maybe you haven't enough rights to connect to these databases, possibly owner of database tables is not the user who wants to use them and that user hasn't been granted to allow accessing those tables.


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