Hey Guys,

I was hoping someone could help me with designing a database?

Basically, I want to design a database that will hold a bunch of test cases. For those of you that don't know, a test case simply documents a test that is to be executed on an application.

A test case lists a number of screens within the application, and each screen lists a number of fields, and each field has a corresponding value that is to be entered during that test, so it looks something like:

Test Case 1
----Details Screen
--------Name|Mary J
----Contact Screen
--------Address|123 Fake Street

Test Case 2
----Details Screen
--------Name|Joe Bloggs
----Contact Screen
--------Address|321 Fake Street

So I need to design a database to hold the above. So I'm thinking I'll have the following tables:


And they would be joined as follows:

TestCase.tc_id ---> Screen.sc_tc_id
Screen.sc_id ---> f_sc_id
Screen.sc_tc_id ---> f_tc_id
Fields.f_sc_id ---> Values.v_sc_id
Fields.f_tc_id ---> Values.v_tc_id

But I'm not convinced it's the best way to go about things.

Can anyone offer me any pointers on a better design?

Thanks very much for any help! :D

Can someone even help me decide on the realtionships between each table?

Can someone help me with the cardinality constraints? E.g. 1:1, 1:N, M:N...

Guys, please help me design a databse to hold test cases.

I'm really stuck at the minute.

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