We are working on an application that caters to a group of institutes. With the current database architecture each institute has its own database, with the same structure but data is different. But there has to be a common database that has some data which need not be repeated in each database, like the vehicles owned by the management etc.
But this vehicle may need to be listed or assigned in each institute's database.
We are a group og beginnerss new to this kind of scenario and strucutre.
We would really appreciate if you can be any assistance in solving or implementing this.
Our issue right now is we can list all vehicles from the common database and assign or use that in each individual database.What will happen if someone deletes the data from the common database? How do we check if this data is used in any of the other databases. This kind of situation may arise in future with other entities also other than vehicles. How do we go further? pls help.