Hi all,

I have a server in our network contains the database of the project (SQL Server 2005).
Suddenly a developer computer couldnot connect to the database which in that server.
and now another computer did the same.

The strange is the designer computer which still connecting to the server.
The designer computer conatins visual studio but does not contain SQL Server Managment Studio.

The Error is
error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

did certain software /windows updates make the problem ???

Please help

Thank you

make sure the sql server service is running

It is already running and there is a computer connecting to it. !!

Thanks for reply

I compared my computer with the computer which can connect.
I discovered that TCP/IP DNS Address in mine is set to a number, where in the other computer is set to be obtained automotically. And when i changed it to be obtained automatically it returned back again after click OK button and reOpened the dialog.

Is this a virus , or what?
Please help.
If the thread now should be in another place , please administrators select the suitable section for it.

Thanks alot

HI All
Thanks alot for your time,
I discovered the problem .
The trojan changes the DNS to a certain number. I got the removal -Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - and changed back my DNS.
All work great now.

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