
I have a table with image datatype and I wana insert an image in the image field, for example

insert into dbo.Products(ProductID, ProductName, ProductPrice, ProductImage)
valeus(144, '8 Gig Lenovo memory Stick', 250.00, 'Image from C:Drive or where ever the image residing')

Thanx in advance

What programming language you're using? If VB.NEt, you may try Daniweb's site search. I've answered the same or at least very similar question few times. A pretty good search phrase is "image SQL Server VB.NET" (without quotes).

Im not using VB.Net or any other language but SQL Server 2000, I need to write an insert statement im quiry builder in SQL which will be inserting an image and other records in my table, Im sure there is a way to do that, I just dont wana write a code in C# neither in VB to do that, I Wana insert in straight to SQL then I can retrieve it later from SQL using C#

Oh thanx that was very helpful

how to insert image in sql ?!!!!
the link is not work

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