spare 0 Newbie Poster

About a week ago, I created a new DB (e...), put it on the server and edited. ALL FINE THERE

However, certain tables with the same names on a different DB (f...), on the same hosting account were over written with the information from DB e..

  • The scripts are in separate folder and DB f.. has not been edited in months.
  • The databases have different admin usernames and passwords, etc.
  • The folders with the scripts are password protected so hacking is also impossible.
  • The only way to alter the DB is to access it through the /admin (which are under different domains) as the sites themselves are not directly accessible online.

Even more strange, there are other DB's on the account, also in separate folders, with the same table names that have remained untouched.

Below are the two files which regulate access to the DB of each site.

Is this my problem or a problem with the account host? They are telling me that the it is my problem and asking me to pay $15 for a backup restoration. I don't see how that is possible. BTW the scripts are not mine but CubeCart's.

I would appreciate any help and/or suggestions as to why this might have happened.

MySQL 4.1.22-standard

$glob['dbdatabase'] = 'account_f..';
$glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';
$glob['dbpassword'] = '************';
$glob['dbprefix'] = '';
$glob['dbusername'] = 'account_username1';
$glob['installed'] = '41';
$glob['rootDir'] = '/home/account/public_html/folderone/foldertwo';
$glob['rootRel'] = '/folderone/foldertwo/';
$glob['storeURL'] = '';
$glob['dbdatabase'] = 'account_e..';
$glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';
$glob['dbpassword'] = '************';
$glob['dbprefix'] = '';
$glob['dbusername'] = 'account_username2';
$glob['installed'] = '33';
$glob['rootDir'] = '/home/account/public_html/folderone1/foldertwo2 /folderthree3/';
$glob['rootRel'] = '/foldertwo2 /folderthree3/';
$glob['storeURL'] = ' /folderthree3/';
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