I had mysql file ss.sql.

Now I want upload the file in the Database.

Is there any way to do the same.
Kindly help me in the matter.

Ashwin Perti

You want to REload your previous datebase save? Go into phpMyAdmin and in the SQL tab copy and paste what is in the SQL file or upload it...

If it times out you may want to upload it via FTP and then run restoration via SSH & PuTTy.

mysql --user={user name} --password={password} {database name} < {file name}.sql

and example would be...

mysql --user=root --password=password ss < ss.sql



I had tried on the command line but was unsuccessful.

Please help me further.

Ashwin Perti

you can mysql query browser and open the file directly and run it.

finally...that's the answer i was lookin for not all this command line bs.

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