Certain graphical elements in this forum (such as user's avatars and file attachments) are actually stored in the database instead of in the file system. Is there a way to back these up along with the database? For example, when I make an sql dump file, it obviously doesn't export these elements.

mysqldump? you know, vBulletin has an integrated backup system that automatically backs up attachements and images. Also, why not use phpMyAdmin? I use it and find it tons helpful in backing things up (although I prefer using vBulletin's method better)

MGM out

I've since got it to work via mysqldump. I've found that phpMyAdmin isn't very reliable and often times out when dumping a large database. In addition, I needed a cli command because I wanted to make it into a cron job ;) for automatic nightly database back-up.

Thanks for your help :)

i wouldnt suggest using vb's mysql dump feature either

ive used the ssh mysql dumb quite a fewq times just fine

mysqldump --opt -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD databasname > /path/to/dump.sql

i honestly never had a problem with it

vb also has a specific table backup if you backup the full DB, anything store in the DB will be backuped as well

Faranth, I use the same command as you without the --opt - what does that do?

yes, in testing my forums on my private server, ive used ssh and ran a command like that, and what cscgal said, whats --opt????

MGM out

RTFM ;-) From the man page linked above:

--opt Same as --add-drop-table --add-locks --all
--extended-insert --quick --lock-tables

vb3 lets you store the attachments and avatars on the file system rather then database system. You might want to look into this :)

Certain graphical elements in this forum (such as user's avatars and file attachments) are actually stored in the database instead of in the file system.

In any case, I was able to get the problem fixed now. I was having a hard time saving binary representing the graphics, etc into the mysql dump. All fixed :) Sorry for not notifying everyone. I forgot all about this thread.

Then come again, you can easily do it through your CPanel if your running 1. Itlll backup your entire disk including files. Easy to use for export and import I shld say, butthtsanother catigory. Or is it?

This is a very old thread, no point in replying 11 months later :(

This is a very old thread, no point in replying 11 months later :(

I will reply because someone will have the same problem.

I use a program called MySqlMaestro, it can backup data or structure or both. It is way better than phpmyadmin and you will shoot yourself not knowing it existed. It is very good, man I should be an affiliate.

Here is the link;

visual MySql database administration tool

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