I'm new to coding (anything) and my manager has tasked me with developing a stats page for the IT dept. trouble ticket system (php helpdesk by EXOScripts.com)(MySQL database)
I have laid out the table on the page but just need to populate it.
the table has the following coloumns in it..
USER (staff member)
COUNT (Number of tickets clsoed relating to the dept.)
TICKET AVERAGE (Time taken on average to close the tickets.)
What i need is a piece of coding to average out the time taken over a user-definable period of time (timestamps)
i presume it would be something similar to
(sum=phpdesk_tickets.closed) - (sum=phpdesk_tickets.closed) / "$Count"
where $count is the count of the tickets relating to the user in a user-given period of time.
How do i get it to work out the average time per user and place it into the Ticket Average column??
As mentioned at the top i'm completely new to coding...
Thanx in advance for any and all advice...