I'm new to T-SQL and trying to program a simple query:

Location ID

Table2 (many to Table1)
Location ID

Select Table1 Location_IDs where the count of Table2's Code=value is 0

Thanks for your help!

There are two approaches, I recommend the first:

Select *
From Table1 
  Select *
  From Table2
  Where Table1.ID = Table2.ID

The second, doing exactly as you described, is:

Select *
From Table1
  Select Count(*)
  From Table2
  Where Table1.ID=Table2.ID
), 0) = 0

Thank you for the assistance!

One more piece of my newbie-mystery to solve... now I need to conditionally insert a record in Table2:

Location ID

Table2 (many to Table1)
Location ID

Select Table1 Location_IDs with Flag set
If count of related Table2 rows with Code=value is 0,
then insert a row in Table2
Rinse and repeat

Please mark this thread as solved since your original question was answered.

I'm not sure I understand you entirely but I think this is what you want:

Insert Into Table2 ([Location ID], Code)
Select [Location Id], 'ABC' As Code
From Table1
Where Table1.Flag = 1 and NOT EXISTS
  Select *
  From Table2 x
  Where x.[Location Id] = Table1.[Location ID]

Your description implies both Table1 and Table2 have a "Code" column, but your table layout only has the "Code" column in one table.

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