I have an ASP.net 2.0 website with SQL Server as database and C# 2005 as the language. On my webpage I have a calender from which I choose a date and display only the date part in a textbox (readonly) in the format dd/mm/yyyy. But internally SQL Server uses m/d/y date format. I am using parameterised queries to insert and select records. But when I checked the database using the management tool and link supplied to me by the hosting service, I found that a few records have been saved in dd/mm/yyyy format while the rest have been saved the the default mm/dd/yyyy format. I suspect, it happened when I made some changes in the date format handling code and saved some records. But since the no. of records are not many, I am ready to delete all existing records and use the entry page again and add ALL records. But how should I ensure that even if I display the date in dd/mm/yyyy format on my webpage it gets saved in only one format (either m/d/y or d/m/y). The date format is very important to me, because most of the time the records will be fetched based on a specific date.

Is there any way, by which I can choose the date format to be d/m/y while saving and retrieving the records from the database??

Lalit Kumar Barik

Are you sure you set the column's data type to datetime? It sounds like you are using varchar

The RDate field's datatype is smalldatetime. My requirement is that a calender is displayed on the page along with a collection of times (displayed in a dropdown list and which contains values like 09:00 AM, 09:30 AM, etc )for the RTime field. The record contains RDate, DTime and other values. For the same RDate, there can be multiple records each having a different RTime. No two records can exist with the same combination of RDate & RTime. I am facing problems in implementing this simple requirements. When the user chooses a date from the calender, I am storing it in a DateTime variable as it is and also displaying it in a readonly textbox in the format "dd/MM/yyyy" for user's reference. While inserting the record I am checking against the DateTime variable and also using that value in the record. But I am facing problem while checking for unique record. Even if I change the Date by choosing a different date from the calender and select the same RTime value as an earlier choosen one, I am getting an error for duplicate entry. My code to check duplicates is as follows:

DateTime dtCurrentDate ;
CalendarRDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Today;
dtCurrentDate = CalendarRDate.SelectedDate;

string strConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SuperConnString"].ConnectionString;
string strSQLQueryCheckDuplicates = @"Select Count(*) from Results where RDate = @RDate And RTime = @RTime";

        SqlConnection sqlConnCheckDuplicates = null;

            sqlConnCheckDuplicates = new SqlConnection(strConnection);

            SqlCommand sqlCmdCheckDuplicates = new SqlCommand(strSQLQueryCheckDuplicates, sqlConnCheckDuplicates);
            sqlCmdCheckDuplicates.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RDate", dtCurrentDate));
            sqlCmdCheckDuplicates.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ResultTime", ddRTime.Text.Trim()));

            if (Convert.ToInt32(sqlCmdCheckDuplicates.ExecuteScalar()) > 0)
                lblMessage.Text = "Results for choosen timeslot has been entered already";
                lblMessage.Text = string.Empty;

Where am I making the mistake??

Lalit Kumar barik

For starters lets start off with syntax:

Did you see this line? SqlParameter("@ResultTime", ddRTime.Text.Trim())); your parameter is named @RTime

For starters lets start off with syntax:

Did you see this line?
SqlParameter("@ResultTime", ddRTime.Text.Trim()));

your parameter is named @RTime

I acknowledge my mistake. But in the real life coding it was rectified already. I didn't notice it when I did some copy paste job.

Ok, just wanted to make sure we aren't chasing a ghost

Rather than just adding the parameters with a name and value, try to add them with a name and type

SqlParameter param1 = new SqlParameter("@RDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
param1.Value = dtCurrentDate;

and do the same for the other one

Ok, I will revise my code to implement this feature at ALL places.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Lalit Kumar Barik

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