What SQL statement would I need to join the employees/work orders tables to create the desired output (below)?

+ employees +
+ id | name +
+ 1 | Jim Smith +
+ 2 | Susie Helms +

+ Work Orders +
+ id | submitted_by | completed_by +
+ 1 | 1 | 2 +
+ 2 | 2 | 1 +
+ 3 | 2 | 2 +

+ Desired Output +
+ id | submitted_by | completed_by +
+ 1 | Jim Smith | Susie Helms +
+ 2 | Susie Helms | Jim Smith +
+ 3 | Susie Helms | Susie Helms +

Hi Somerston and welcome to DaniWeb :)

You will need to join to the employee table twice to get the name for each column. Something like this should work:

-- first select the columns required
SELECT wo.id, em.name as submitted_by, emp.name as completed_by 
-- not sure if you can use these aliases
-- because they are also column names of the WorkOrders table
-- if not, rename them to submitted_name and completed_name for example

-- from tables
FROM WorkOrders wo
INNER JOIN employee em
-- link submitted_by to id of employee
ON wo.submitted_by = em.id
INNER JOIN employee emp
-- link completed_by to id of employee
ON wo.completed_by = emp.id

Here you're

SELECT     WorkOrders.ID, employees.name, employees_1.name AS Expr1
FROM         WorkOrders LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      employees AS employees_1 ON WorkOrders.submitted_by = employees_1.id LEFT OUTER JOIN
                      employees AS employees ON WorkOrders.completed_by = employees.id

Thanks guys. Both where sufficient.

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