Hello everyone !
This mysql user management fcking damn BULLSHIT (i think we can state it) begins really to drive me mad..
I got a win 2003 server running mysql, somehow i lost root access from the localhost meaning that i'm actually unable to make a backup from my database, meaning my customer who won't be happy to hear that..
from another pc, i'm able to connect with the mysql administrator gui, but since it's not on the localhost i can't make any backup...
unable also to run the console from the localhost for the same source problem i guess..
isn't there any simple way to reset all this access shit ? this seems so UNlogic to me..for god's sake if i got the root pass, if i own the server, LET ME PER DEFAULT DO WHAT I WANT FROM WHERE I WANT..grrrr
sorry but, you know..murphy's law, i just need a backup NOW and it's at this point that this bullshit begins to fck with me..