
I have two databases on my website lebphoto.com with the same tables. One with a 1665 members and the other with 33 members, I want to merge them together. is there a way other than typing each records by myself or ask the members to register again?

Thank you

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you can use sql language to do that.

Just make sure you insert them into the correct tables.

Create 2 db connection scripts
connect.php and dbconnect.php
Create 1 script called
Below is the connect.php

// this is connect.php
// connect to the 33 member database

        $host = "localhost";               // Database server
        $user = "Database username";          // Database username
        $pass = "Database password";                // Database password
        $db = "Database name";       // Database name
    $ok = mysql_select_db("$db");
    if (!ok)
    die("<br>" . mysql_errno().":".mysql_errno()."<br>");

Below is the dbconnect.php

// this is dbconnect.php
// connect to the 1665 member database
        $host = "localhost";               // Database server
        $user = "Database username";          // Database username
        $pass = "Database password";                // Database password
        $db = "Database name";       // Database name
    $ok = mysql_select_db("$db");
    if (!ok)
    die("<br>" . mysql_errno().":".mysql_errno()."<br>");

Below is the create-new.php

// 33 members database
// for this demo we'll use customer as the table name
// replace the field names with the correct fields from your database table

$sql = "SELECT * FROM customer"; 
    $sql1=mysql_query($sql) or die("Couldn't select customer!");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql1))
    $ID = stripslashes($row['ID']);         // replace the field names only
    $MembersID = stripslashes($row['MembersID']);    // replace the field names only
    $fname = stripslashes($row['fname']);        // replace the field names only
    $lname = stripslashes($row['lname']);        // replace the field names only
    $email = stripslashes($row['email']);        // replace the field names only
// 1665 members database
$insertmember="insert into customer (ID, MembersID, fname, lname, email) values ('$ID', '$MembersID', '$fname', '$lname', '$email')";  
//registering member in database
$insertmember2=mysql_query($insertmember) or die("<br><br>Could not insert customer");
// do not uncomment code below.
//$ID = mysql_insert_id();
echo "Insert $fname $lname Completed Successfully";
    }// Closes While statement

Basically you are connecting to the database with the 33 members and as long as the table and field structure is identical you can then just open a connection to the database containing the 1665 members and append the 33 members to that db.

When completed you will have 1 db with 1698 members.

Have fun.

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