I have a small problem I have a flash game SWF file not the fla and it sends and recieves values from a PHP file send - update and recieve is INIT

Great except the person who gave me the SWF and PHP file did not tell me how to set up the database If I was to post the code could someone tell me the table layout to wright with PHP My Admin?

I know its only a small database we are talking 4 or 5 objects in 1 table but I just cant get my head around the code not knowing PHP



Sure, post the code. It'd help.


if ($command=="init"){
	$link = @mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");

	if (!$link){
		print "&message=Error connecting to database";

	if (!@mysql_select_db("kevinsmi_game")){
		print "&message=Couldn't select database";

	$players = "";
	$scores = "";
	$distances = "";
	$victims = "";
	$innerquery = "SELECT * FROM game ORDER BY scores DESC";
	$innerresult = @mysql_query($innerquery);
	for($loop=0;$loop<$numPlayers; $loop++) {
		$newPlayer = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"players");
		$newScore = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"scores");
		$newDistance = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"distances");
		$newVictim = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"victims");
		$players = "$players<br>$newPlayer";
		$scores = "$scores<br>$newScore";
		$distances = "$distances<br>$newDistance";
		$victims = "$victims<br>$newVictim";
	printf("&players=%s", $players);
	printf("&scores=%s", $scores);
	printf("&distances=%s", $distances);
	printf("&victims=%s", $victims);



if ($command=="update"){
	$link = @mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");

	if (!$link){
		print "&message=Error connecting to database";

	if (!@mysql_select_db("game")){
		print "&message=Couldn't select database";

	$players = "";
	$scores = "";
	$query = "SELECT scores FROM game where players = '$name'";
	$result = @mysql_query($query);
		$oldScore = mysql_result($result,"scores");
			$query = "UPDATE game SET scores = '$score' where players = '$name'";
			$result = @mysql_query($query);

	else {
    	$query ="INSERT INTO game (players, scores, distances, victims) VALUES ('$name', '$score', '$distance', '$victim')";
		$result = @mysql_query($query);

	$innerquery = "SELECT * FROM game ORDER BY scores DESC";
	$innerresult = @mysql_query($innerquery);
	for($loop=0;$loop<$numPlayers; $loop++) {
		$newPlayer = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"players");
		$newScore = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"scores");
		$newDistance = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"distances");
		$newVictim = mysql_result($innerresult,$loop,"victims");
		$players = "$players<br>$newPlayer";
		$scores = "$scores<br>$newScore";
		$distances = "$distances<br>$newDistance";
		$victims = "$victims<br>$newVictim";
	printf("&players=%s", $players);
	printf("&scores=%s", $scores);
	printf("&distances=%s", $distances);
	printf("&victims=%s", $victims);


So... you realize you are trying to use 2 databases??

for command == "init" you have: mysql_select_db("kevinsmi_game")

for command == "update" you have mysql_select_db("game")

As far as the table:
db name: kevinsmi_game
table: game
field1: players
field2: scores
field3: distances
field4: victims

Cheers for that didn't notice I hadn't changed the second connection values :-)

I still can't get the thing to work though!! It is bugging me, I have the database set up as you have layed out above and that is how I have had it done from the start, but I just can't get it to read or write ot the database I have set up a simple table on a blank page and connected to the database through a simple table connection in dreamweaver and that works OK!!!!!!

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