Anyhelp with code below would be greatly appreciated

Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /usr/home/rconn/domains/ on line 44
you have been successfully registered. Read your email and click the link to activate your account.

require_once ("./header.php");

$secret = "dDWUc72sCcs20cXskcw";
$reg_register = set_post_bool_var ('reg_register', false);
$reg_username = set_post_string_var ('reg_username');
$reg_email = set_post_string_var ('reg_email');
$confirm = set_get_string_var ('confirm');

if ($reg_register) {
	if ($reg_username != "") {
					if (check_username ($reg_username)) {
						echo '<div style="color:red;">$username is an already registered user. Choose another one.</div>'."\n";
						$username = false;
					else {
						$username = $reg_username;
	else {
		echo '<div style="color:red;">Please enter a Username.</div>'."\n";
		$username = false;

	if (isset ($_POST['reg_password1']) && $_POST['reg_password1'] != "" &&
		  isset ($_POST['reg_password2']) && $_POST['reg_password2'] != "") {
		if (md5 ($_POST['reg_password1']) != md5 ($_POST['reg_password2'])) {
			echo '<div style="color:red;">Passwords do not match.</div>'."\n";
			$password = false;
		else {
			$password = md5 ($_POST['reg_password1']);
	else {
		echo '<div style="color:red;">Please fill out both password fields.</div>'."\n";
		$password = false;

	if ($reg_email != '') {
		if (preg_match ('/^[A-Z0-9._%-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i', $reg_email)) {
			$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS result FROM user WHERE email='$reg_email'";
			if ($mysql->query ($query)) {
				if (mysql_result ($result, 0) > 0) {
					echo '<div style="color:red;">A User Account with this email address aready exists.</div>'."\n";
					$email = false;
				else {
					$email = $reg_email;
			else {
				$email = false;
				message ($mysql->error);
		else {
			echo '<div style="color:red;">Email address is invalid.</div>'."\n";
			$email = false;
	else {
		echo '<div style="color:red;">Please enter a valid email address.</div>'."\n";
		$email = false;

	if ($username && $password && $email) {
		$query = "      INSERT INTO user
				(username, password, email, active)
				('$username', md5('$password'), '$email', '0')";

		if (mysql_query ("$query")) {
			# dieser key wird als username und secret md5 hash an den
			# user geschickt und für die verifikation der registrierung gebraucht.
			$key = md5 ($username . $secret);

			$headers = "From: [email][/email]\r\n" .
			$subject = 'Your registration at';
			$message  = "Hi $username,\r\n\r\n";
			$message .= "This email confirms the creation of your Online-Bookmarks user account. ";
			$message .= "Your username is '$username'. For security reasons your password is not ";
			$message .= "included in this email. To activate your account, visit the following URL:\r\n\r\n";
			$message .= "$key\r\n\r\n";
			$message .= "In case of complications regarding this user account registration, ";
			$message .= "please contact [email][/email]\r\n\r\n";
			$message .= "With kind regards, your Team";

			mail($email, $subject, $message, $headers);

			echo "  you have been successfully registered.
				Read your email and click the link to activate your account.";
		else {
			echo mysql_error ();
	else {
		display_register_form ();
else if ($confirm != '' && strlen ($confirm) === 32) {
	$query = "SELECT username FROM user WHERE MD5(CONCAT(username,'$secret'))='$confirm' AND active='0'";
	$result = mysql_query ("$query");
	if (mysql_num_rows ($result) == 1) {
		# the registration confirmation was successufull,
		# thus we can enable the useraccount in the database.
		$username = mysql_result ($result, 0);
		$query = "UPDATE user SET active='1' WHERE username='$username' AND active='0'";
		if (mysql_query ($query)) {
			echo "You are now registered. Happy bookmarking!";
	else {
		display_register_form ();
else {
	display_register_additional_text ();
	display_register_form ();

function display_register_form () {

<form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>" name="loginform">
<table border="0">
		<td><input name="reg_username" type="text" value=""></td>
		<td><input name="reg_password1" type="password" value=""></td>
		<td>Password Verification:</td>
		<td><input name="reg_password2" type="password" value=""></td>
		<td>Email Address:</td>
		<td><input name="reg_email" type="text" value=""></td>
		<td><input type="submit" value="Register" name="reg_register"></td>


function display_register_additional_text () {
	<p>Please provide the information bellow to register.</p>

	<p>If you are already a registered user, <a class="orange" href="./index.php">you can log in here.</a></p>

require_once ("./footer.php");

This should be in the PHP forum, but at the same time it should not be. Read the FAQ in the PHP forum before you post again.

This should be in the PHP forum, but at the same time it should not be. Read the FAQ in the PHP forum before you post again.

Sorry 1st post did not mean to break rules. And i did not read the the FAQ I will make sure i get it correct next time.

Anyhelp with code below would be greatly appreciated ...

43.			if ($mysql->query ($query)) {
44.				if (mysql_result ($result, 0) > 0) {

Do you need to assign the result of the query to $result before you can use the result?

yes you had missed to declare $result variable before it used

if ($mysql->query ($query)) {
                              $result=$mysql->query ($query);
				if (mysql_result ($result, 0) > 0) {
echo '<div style="color:red;">A User Account with this email address aready exists.</div>'."\n";
$email = false; 


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