Hi There. I am newbie. I need some helps on the below issues. Please help me!

1. How to create / delete user in Sql / Oracle?
2. How can I set privilages while create a new user?
3. How can I view all forms / tables?
4. How can I list the users already got account in Sql?
5. Which is the best web site to learn oracle (for beginners)?

After all, still I am confusing about Oracle & Sql? Could any one able to describe the difference?

Thanks in advance. Have a good day to all.

1. create user user1 identified by password1
2. grant previlags / roles to user1.
3. select * from tab.
4. select * from all_users.
5. there are many , we can do it here at daniweb.

all the above answers are for oracle database.

I am not sure you are asking about sql or sqlserver. I still don't understand why people refer sql server as sql.

I am not sure you are asking about sql or sqlserver. I still don't understand why people refer sql server as sql.

Dear Sir

Thanks for your reply.

Actually I meant Sql Server.


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