So i'm used to using mysql, but i'm on a project right now that uses an access database, and I'm looking for a way to replace LIMIT. I googled around and found the information on TOP, but it doesnt totally replace the functionality. For example if a user were to search the database for phone numbers of anyone named jim... and wanted to page through 50 at a time it would look something like this in mysql. SELECT phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 0, 50;
That would return the first 50, page 2 would look like: SELECT phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 49, 50;
page 3 SELECT phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim' LIMIT 99, 50;
Using the TOP clause I would do something like SELECT TOP 50 phonenumber FROM users WHERE firstname= 'jim'
That would only get me my first page.... how do I tell it to skip a certain number of records, then grab 50.
headedtomexico 0 Junior Poster in Training
headedtomexico 0 Junior Poster in Training
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