Please Help me,

I have 2 Table, A dan B.

Table A :
Sandar | jmlMuat
Mirah | 20
Berlian | 10

Table B :
Sandar | jmlBongkar
Mirah | 30
Nilam | 15

I want to join that table to get result like this :
Sandar | jmlMuat | jmlBongkar
Mirah | 20 | 30
Nilam | Null | 15
Berlian | 10 | Null

I try Query :
SELECT A.Sandar, A.jmlBongkar, B.jmlMuat
ON A.Sandar = B.Sandar

but the result is :

Sandar | jmlMuat | jmlBongkar
Mirah | 20 | 30
Null | Null | 15
Berlian | 10 | Null

why "Nilam" replace by "Null" ??

Whats wrong with my query?

Please correct my query so i get the result i want.



First off your example is incorrect. The "TableA" structure has jmlMuat in your table data, but in your query it has jmlBongkar. It looks like you swapped the tables ;)

Try this:

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableA', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableA
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TableB', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TableB

Create Table #TableA
  Sandar varchar(30),
  jmlMuat int
Insert Into #TableA (Sandar, jmlMuat) Values ('Mirah', 20)
Insert Into #TableA (Sandar, jmlMuat) Values ('Berlian', 10)

Create Table #TableB
  Sandar varchar(30),
  jmlBongkar int

Insert Into #TableB (Sandar, jmlBongkar) Values ('Mirah', 20)
Insert Into #TableB (Sandar, jmlBongkar) Values ('Nilam', 15)

Select *
From #TableA

Select *
From #TableB

SELECT COALESCE(A.Sandar, B.Sandar) As Sandar, A.jmlMuat, B.jmlBongkar
FROM #TableA as A full JOIN #TableB as B ON A.Sandar = B.Sandar

i try this and it success, thx Sknake....
your solution solve my problem....

I'm glad you got it working

Please mark this thread as solved if you have found an answer to your question and good luck!

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